
Movies To Watch

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Watch the movie Confirmation. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
The single greatest lesson learned from watching Confirmation is that the United States was—and given the rate of return of incumbency—is perhaps the single greatest bastion of male chauvinism in America. What I did not know before watching this movie was that “erotomania” was an actual condition or, at the very least, is believed by some to be an actual condition (Frankly, the scientific evidence to back up it is shaky at best.) What I learned was that in defense of their Party, Republicans long before Donald Trump were more than willing to castigate powerful women as mere stalkers to support the patriarchy.

Watch the movie All the way. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
All the Way was particularly enlightening in regard to illuminating a part of history that remains remarkably nebulous in the current educational climate. When I hear the letters LBJ, I think of Vietnam War and a President so unpopular he rejected the legal possibility of running for another term. What I learned from watching this was while the letters JFK and MLK seem to get almost all the credit for the Civil Rights Movement, it was actually a politician from Texas who was most responsible for making the Civil Rights Act actually happen.

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Watch the movie Gasland. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
Although hardly a surprise, the fact that sticks out from Gasland like a swollen thumb up my…craw…is that the oil exploration technology known as fracking received an exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 by the Bush administration’s 2005 Energy Policy Act. Considering that George W. Bush’s Vice President was Dick Cheney—former head of Halliburton and one of the biggest players in the fracking industry—this exemption is about surprising as finding out that Clark Kent is really Superman. Despite not being shocking, however, this revelation is information that I did know and that does not seem to be common knowledge among many who seem equally surprised but not shocked to discover it is a historical fact.

4. Watch the movie Imitation Game. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
The Imitation Game tells a story that is filled with revelations and surprises primarily due to the fact that Alan Turing is not exactly a household name. While anyone who has ever watched a documentary about virtual reality likely is familiar with the Turing Test for sentience, the details of his involvement in code-breaking is far less amply demonstrated on a daily basis. Despite this, even those who are familiar with Turing’s work in code-breaking are almost certain to walk out of the film with suggesting that the one thing they learned from the film that they didn’t know before was the extent to which the British government seemed willing to go crack down on the “illegal behavior” known as homosexuality. The chemical castration of Alan Turing is truly one of the greatest jaw-dropping moments in 21st century film history.

5. Watch the movie Too big to fail. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
Although familiar with the economic collapse and meltdown stimulated by the events which are portrayed in Too Big to Fail, the singular moment that is most surprising and that I really was not as familiar with was the negative impact on the legislation reaction to the banking crisis that was precipitated by the suspension by Sen. John McCain of his Presidential campaign. That decision—which was accompanied by a great deal of self-serving publicity—even now seems to be imprinted into the historical record as an act of selflessness by a politician actually putting his country first…but the movie more than insinuates that McCain’s grandstanding had lasting negative consequences that the country is still paying for today.

6. Watch the movie Selma. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
Interestingly, the story of Martin Luther King seems like it is one of the most familiar bits of 20th century American history that there is. Indeed, the very arrival of a movie about MLK and the Civil Rights Movement almost seems superfluous. And yet, the film stands as a testament to the slogan that you learn something new every day. I never knew that Coretta Scott King met with Malcolm X and that this meeting resulted in an edgier tone by African-Americans taking part in the march from Selma to Montgomery. In fact, until I saw this movie, I suppose I never really knew that the non-violence activism of King and the more proactive approach represented by Malcolm X ever really physically crossed paths.

7. Watch the movie Inside Job. Write what you learned about movie, write what you knew after watching the video and what you did not know before.
What I knew about the collapse of the financial industry before watching Inside Job was primarily limited to knowing that the bad guys got away with again. I knew banking institutions had gone out of business after more than a century in existence and I knew that millions were lost in the stock market. I also knew that the scandal had resulted in many people losing their jobs. What I did not know until having seen the film was that tens of thousands of factory jobs were lost directly as a result. The connection between the banking and financial industry and the more blue-collar sector of factory work had never really come together until I watched Inside Job.

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