
Applications of the Scientific Method

979 words | 4 page(s)

The scientific method is a particular method used by scientists when designing experiments. This method provides them with a rigorous and robust way to explore problems in a calculated manner (Anderson, 1983). While there are several different versions of the steps required for the scientific methods, all versions start with a question and end with a conclusion. It total the scientific method can be divided into six separate steps: Purpose, research, hypothesis, experiment, data/analysis and conclusion (Tang, Coffey, Elby, & Levin, 2010).

In the first step, purpose, an observation needs to be made and then an idea about a question should be formed. This leads to the second step of research where more information is gathered on the observation. Once there is sufficient information then in step three a hypothesis is formed. Generally hypotheses are worded in the form of a “if then statement”, such as” if I do this particular thing than this other thing will occur”. Once the hypothesis has been determined step four is to design and then conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis. The experiment needs to be designed in such a way that it will provide information to either confirm or deny the hypothesis. One the experiment has been conducted this leads to step five where the data from the experiment is collected and analyzed to determine if it supports the hypothesis. Finally in step six, using the data and analysis in step five, a conclusion as to if the data supports the hypothesis or doesn’t support the hypothesis is made (Tang et al., 2010).

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While this method is routinely used by scientists it can also be used in other areas, such as in daily life. One example of how the scientific method could be used in daily life is in the choosing of an appropriate laundry detergent. Therefore the purpose of this study will be to determine which type of laundry detergent is best able to remove cranberry juice stains from white cotton fabric.

After conducting some preliminary research, it was found that in the USA the three brands with the most sales per year are Tide, Gain and All. With tide having over a billion dollars in sales, Gain having over 500 million in sales and All having over 300 million in sales (Statistica, 2014). Based on this preliminary research the three brands of laundry detergent that will be investigated are Tide, Gain and All.

Based on the research for step three of the scientific method a hypothesis will be formulated. In this case the hypothesis will be that if Tide is used to remove cranberry juice stains from cotton fabric, then the stain will be removed at a greater extent than if Gain or All detergent is used. For step four of the scientific method the hypothesis will be tested. In order to ensure that the results of the experiment are due to the type of detergent used it is important that as many variables as possible be controlled (Becker, 2005). To test this hypothesis 10 separate pieces of cotton fabric will be stained in an identical pattern with cranberry juice. Then each of the detergents will be used on 3 of the pieces with one piece not being washed so that it can serve as the control. After washing the pieces of fabric will be evaluated to see how much of the stain is remaining compared to the control unwashed stain.

Step five of the scientific method is where all the data from the experiment in step four will be collected and analysed. In this case the ability of the three detergents to remove the stain, compared to the unwashed control, will be determined. In the final step, conclusions will then be drawn based on the results of the analysis.

Based on the fact that Tide is being by purchased more often than the other two detergents one expected outcome of the experiment would be to support the hypothesis. In this case the data collected would show that Tide was able to remove the cranberry juice stain than the other two detergents. On the contrary if Gain was the detergent that was better able to remove the cranberry juice stain, than this would indicate that the hypothesis was not correct.

Another situation that could occur would be that all three detergents removed the stain completely. In this case the experiment would be deemed a failure. As all detergents remove the stain it is impossible to tell which of the three is the better detergent. In this case it would be necessary to redesign the hypothesis and the experiment. If this occurs then the best course of action would be to test another type of stain, such as a grass stain. The new hypothesis would then be that if Tide is used to remove grass juice stains from cotton fabric, then the stain will be removed at a greater extent than if Gain or All detergent is used. The experiment would then be repeated, the results would be collected and then conclusions would be made based on the new data.

Overall, the scientific method is a useful approach which is used by scientists. As well, it can be used in everyday life to help solve problems. By following all the steps of the scientific method, and revising the experiment as necessary, this can help to provide answers to everyday problems.

  • Anderson, P. F. (1983). Marketing, scientific progress, and scientific method. The Journal of Marketing, 18-31.
  • Becker, T. E. (2005). Potential problems in the statistical control of variables in organizational research: A qualitative analysis with recommendations. Organizational Research Methods, 8(3), 274-289.
  • Statistica. (2014). Sales of the leading liquid laundry detergent brands of the United States in 2014 (in million U.S. dollars). Retrieved from: https://www.statista.com/statistics/188716/top-liquid-laundry-detergent-brands-in-the-united-states/
  • Tang, X., Coffey, J. E., Elby, A., & Levin, D. M. (2010). The scientific method and scientific inquiry: Tensions in teaching and learning. Science Education, 94(1), 29-47.

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