
My Parents and How They Influenced Me

311 words | 2 page(s)

My parents have provided the greatest influence in my development. This is because they are the strongest role models that I have had. Most behaviors and values that are prevalent in my life are prevalent in my parents. I always observe how they respond to situations, celebrate occasions and express their feelings, and I try to emulate them. The way I live and behave reflects exactly how my parents act making them the most influential people in my life.

Throughout my development process, my parents have been close to me. From the moment I was born they have shaped my life and everything around me. They have initiated my mental development and assisted me develop basic relational skills that assist me in the social structures. Their impact on my emotional and physical development is huge. At every stage of my development over the ages, I have learned something from them.

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My parents have always been positive to me. They always take maximum attention to me whenever I have an issue. They are ready to address any issue whenever it arises. When they make mistakes, my parents always advise me what to do in order to avoid such situations. This is because they want me to acquire the most necessary skills and attitudes that will enable me have a positive life.

I have not encountered anybody in my life who gives all the attention just as my parents give me. The value of the interaction that I have with my parents is beyond any possible estimation. Whatever they have told me, is what has shaped my life and experiences. They have defined my social orientations, and I am able to know what is right or wrong. Their influence is felt because naturally I have never resisted whatever they tell me to do. This makes them have the greatest influence on my life.

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