
Naming Ionic and Covalent Compounds and Stochiometry

334 words | 2 page(s)

Ionic compounds are named through cations and anions, with positively charged ions referred to as cations, negatively charged ions referred to as anions, and cations named first. Covalent compounds are named through a simple set of rules, in which (1) the name of the first element comes first, (2) the second element is given an anion’s name, (3) the number of atoms present is indicated with prefixes, and (4) the first element is never named with “mono.” These rules can be applied in a number of instances and also inferred from looking at existing compound names through the logic of the established naming conventions. The adoption of a standard system and nomenclature simplifies the science of chemistry by ensuring that the names of compounds follow a transparent pattern based on well-established scientific conventions and practices.

The word stoichiometry means the measure of elements. Stoichiometry is involved in writing and balancing chemical equations. Without stoichiometry, it is impossible to write and balance a standard chemical equation. Through the use of stoichiometry, it is possible to predict and model what happens when one or elements came into contact with each other (Elsair, 2012; Faber, 2011; Manahan, 2011; Vollhardt & Schore, 2011). The basis of stoichiometry is the law of the conservation of mass, a basic law of physics stating that, in systems closed to matter and energy transfers, the mass of the system does not vary over time. Thus, the balancing element of stoichiometry reveals how reactants and products change configurations, without losing mass, when put together in chemical reactions. Stoichiometry can certainly be considered one of the foundations of modern chemistry, as without it there would be no acceptable language for modeling, and predicting the results of, chemical reactions.

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  • Elsair, R. (2012). Fundamentals of chemistry. New York, NY: Bookboon.
  • Faber, K. (2011). Biotransformations in organic chemistry: a textbook. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Manahan, S. E. (2011). Fundamentals of environmental chemistry. New York, NY: CRC press.
  • Vollhardt, K. P. C., & Schore, N. E. (2011). Organic chemistry: structure and function. New York, NY: WH Freeman

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