
Nature vs. Nurture Sample Paper

402 words | 2 page(s)


The academic discipline of psychological science, as we regard it, is one among the most important branches of knowledge that has seen to a better understanding of humanity hence, ameliorating human’s relations at all significant social settings (White, 2000). It is from this rational grounds, and in regards to the never ending efforts of mankind to establish better and more cognition on human psychological characteristics, that we appreciate the role of the ‘nature vs. nurture’ film by Payton Sessions and Julia Larson. This paper seeks to reflect on the video and arguable construct established by the film.

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Nature vs. Nurture
Payton Sessions and Julia Larson defines nature as all the aspects that an individual bring into the physical works with himself. On the other hand, nurture is attributed as any prospect that influences the person after his or her birth.

The film is basically a debate on psychological elements and conception of human development. The thematic concept of the debate involves an attempt to establish what construct, between natures and nurture, influenced the development of and individual in a wider dimension. In other words, whether psychological ascribes of an individual are determined by their genetic attributes – the nature, or by the manner through which they are brought up from childhood – the nurturing design (Payton & Larson, 2011).

In the debate, the authors give substantial amount of rational evidence in support, as well as disfavors, of each. For instance, in support of nurture as the greater influential factor, two girl, Genie and Malaya are presented as individuals whose suffered long time isolation from social interaction. While Genie was presumed autistic, Malaya, the girl raised by dog, depicted behavioral characteristics of same beasts she grew up with. For instance, barking and walking on concludes four harms. This evidences the influence nurturing settings have on psychological development.

The debates appeal to element of intelligence, phobia and homosexual traits to support the genetic solidity in psychological development. For instance, studies of separately nurtured twins shows such individual bearing similar psychological constructs in their severally life. In the end, Payton and Larson agrees that the psychological studies and information so far collected are equivocal. And that both constructs, Nature and Nurture, are relevant to human development.

  • Payton, S., & Larson, J. (2011) Nature vs. Nurture. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch? v=IPZsrLAkpKM axaner
  • White, B. L. (2000). Human infants: Experience and psychological development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.

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