
Nature’s Gift

358 words | 2 page(s)

I was not always a lover of nature. In fact, I have been a city person for as long as I remember and I used to dismiss the concerns of those who would worry about the harmful impacts of modern lifestyle on the nature. I perceived their concerns as merely an opposition to forces of change because there was not much wrong I saw with the human progress. But sometimes we need new experiences to gain new perspectives and my relationship with the nature was changed by a single visit to the Yosemite National Park. I was passionate about the cause of global warming long before I visited the Yosemite National Park but the visit provided me with even more reasons why we should further step up our efforts to combat global warming.

I never knew the nature could be so beautiful until I visited Yosemite National Park. The park helped me understood the relationship between the nature and the wildlife in a way no amount of documentaries and books could. It also exposed the shortcomings of the modern lifestyle I had failed to notice before. The clean air, the serene atmosphere, and the calmness of the mind are luxuries we have sacrificed in embracing the fast pace of technological and material progress.

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Yosemite National Park proved to me beauty comes in all forms. The nature perfected the art of architecture long before humans appeared on the scene. It also reminded me we humans are but a very small fraction of the quantity and diversity of life on the planet. Our dominance has made us so arrogant that we have taken the planet as our sole property, ignoring the fact that the planet would be quiet a boring place without the rich diversity of flora and fauna.

Yosemite National Park remains one of my favorite places on earth. When I would be asked to name my favorite places on earth, New York City, Paris, and Tokyo etc. would be my usual answers. Now I make it a point to add Yosemite National Park and few other marvels of nature in the list of my favorite places on earth.

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