
New Venture Development (Google)

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Opportunity Analysis

Google Company owns various products and services targeting different customers worldwide. Google has a platform for searching scholarly articles and books known as “Google Scholar” but does not contain most articles available in other libraries (Jones, McCormick, and Dewing, 2012). The introduction of “Google Research” can enhance the process of researching and learning activities for various scholars all over the world. Google Scholar provides some articles that are not in line with the standards of peer-reviewed research, and the new Google Research can help scholars in achieving their learning requirements in various education segments (Georgas 2013). Google Research will bring diverse sets of scholarly and peer-reviewed articles and books that would enhance the learning processes. Google can benefit from monthly or annual subscriptions for articles that are not freely available by partnering with different publishers.

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Business Model Canvas
Google will introduce a new business model that will enhance the performance of Google search within the context of scholars and researchers. A business model canvas entails different segments that elaborate the process of implementing a business opportunity. The segments include value proposition, key resources, key activities, key partners, customer relations, customer segment, distribution channels, cost structure, and the revenue stream (Zott, Amit, and Massa, 2011).

Google will need to implement the value proposition towards the betterment of the search procedures within the platform of accessing learning and researching materials that facilitate the education system (Zott, Amit, and Massa, 2011). For instance, the “Google Research” will involve help in accessing a wide range of scholarly and peer-reviewed articles that are not available on the Google Scholar platform (Zott et al., 2011).

The customer segment entails the list of projected consumers (Joyce and Paquin, 2016). Some of the customers include professors, lecturers, students, business analysts, and other willing users of academic information. Google Scholar provides similar services but does not provide a wide range of reading and learning articles. Therefore, the Google Research platform will help the clients in accessing different research articles that would enhance learning and teaching activities. The consumers will have a single platform where they can access scholarly materials from different research.

Moreover, the distribution channel within the Google Research platform will be through a search engine that optimizes a title of choice from the customer (Joyce and Paquin, 2016). The search engine will be enhanced to facilitate minimal errors and providing suggestions of titles and authors of similar articles. Therefore, Google Research search engine will be customized according to customer’s preferences: The platform will boost the search results and offer the services needed by the customer.

The customer relations with the Google Research will be enhanced by placing customer reviews as well as customer feedback on the services offered by the platform (Zolnowski, Weib, and Bohmann, 2014). Moreover, the Google will need to offer a medium of communication where customers will ask questions regarding the search procedures and access to various articles for research. For example, a client can search an article that is not available, but can be offered a chance to improve the search processes within a specified channel.

Google will earn revenues through these search processes whereby, the companies offering the research articles will need to pay Google for the availability of their books and peer-reviewed articles to the customers. Most students do not have access to various articles online due to their prices and limited accessibility (Georgas 2013). Therefore, Google will be earning revenues from the book publishers and article organizations through the “pay-per-click” system.

The key activities of Google Research are based on bringing of various books and articles for researchers and learners on one platform. Additionally, Google Research will collaborate with book publishers and article organizations in helping the learners and researchers in accessing their products (Zolnowski, Weib, and Bohmann, 2014). The criterion will enhance the education system as well as enable business developers in using research documents in improving their businesses.

Google Research will use key resources such as published books and peer-reviewed articles as well as the online Google Search engine to implement the new platform. The business will be based on bringing some of the unavailable documents in the online platform to facilitate the research process. Moreover, some of the key partners within the business model include book publishers, authors, academic researchers, business analysts, and other scholarly articles’ publishers (Trimi and Berbegal-Mirabent, 2012). The cost structure of the business opportunity would be based on the costs of books and articles purchased from the publishers as well as the availability of Google Research customers.

Validation Strategy
The validation of a business model entails the plan of achieving a specific goal in the business. A business model canvas can be validated through three strategies, which include the identification of hypothesis in business, testing of the hypotheses, and obtaining feedback from consumers regarding the products and services (Walravens 2013). Google Research products will be available to the online scholars with the aim of facilitating the academic learning and research. Therefore, Google Company should start by the identification of the possible assumptions that would affect the implementation of the business opportunity. The identification of business assumptions can be enhanced through the business model canvas and the possible problems that could affect the business. Moreover, the organization will find the problems and discuss various solutions that could enhance the execution of the business opportunity.

The business model would as well help in testing the business assumptions within the organization and the business plan. For example, Google organization can test the business model through the incorporation of consumer opinions regarding the introduction of Google Research platform. Testing the assumptions can as well be implemented through obtaining feedback from the possible clients and other stakeholders in the business model (Walravens 2013). Furthermore, the organization would need to obtain customer feedback from the consumers after the start of the business. The feedback would act as an assurance and a survey on the accountability of the business opportunity whereby the organization would assert whether the strategy is helpful and functional to the targeted consumers. Therefore, the validation of the business model would create an assurance of the business opportunity to the society.

  • Jones, T., McCormick, D. and Dewing, C. eds., 2012. Growth champions: the battle for sustained innovation leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Trimi, S. and Berbegal-Mirabent, J., 2012. Business model innovation in entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 8(4), pp.449-465.
  • Joyce, A. and Paquin, R.L., 2016. The triple layered business model canvas: A tool to design more sustainable business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, pp.1474-1486.
  • Zott, C., Amit, R. and Massa, L., 2011. The business model: recent developments and future research. Journal of management, 37(4), pp.1019-1042.
  • Georgas, H., 2013. Google vs. the library: Student preferences and perceptions when doing research using Google and a federated search tool. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 13(2), pp.165-185.
  • Walravens, N., 2013, March. Validating a business model framework for smart city services: The case of fixmystreet. In Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2013 27th International Conference on (pp. 1355-1360). IEEE.
  • Zolnowski, A., Weiß, C. and Bohmann, T., 2014, January. Representing Service Business Models with the Service Business Model Canvas–The Case of a Mobile Payment Service in the Retail Industry. In system sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 718-727). IEEE.

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