
Nursing Standardized Terminology and Nursing Informatics

349 words | 2 page(s)

Nursing standardized terminology plays an important role in nursing practice, facilitating interaction between the professionals and making nursing practice more effective. Warren and Hartley (2012) specify that standardized terminology helps to reveal the effect of nursing on the patient outcome, including nurse staffing and clinical care. Secondly, it manages to provide structure for patient assessment. Standardized terminology helps to provide surveillance activity and prevent various complications. It teaches professionals the specific language of nursing and clinical care.

If standardized terminology is used properly, it allows for integrating knowledge of evidence-based guidance and ensuring flexibility of documentation. ST also helps to measure the quality of caregiving and ensure knowledge discovery. To have properly designed NS model is imperative as without it, the staff has cannot exchange information and understand and use the received materials. For this reason, a standard is required for computability, harmonization, integration, and generation of the materials.

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Nursing informatics is associated with management of communication technologies and information to promote the health of communities all over the world (Hughes, 2015, p.325). Being an electronic database, it raises a number of concerns regarding the use of electronic medical records. For instance, not all the hospitals have access to the electronic database. Some of them will not be able to receive important information about the health conditions, progress, and medical history sheet of the patient.

Online access to EMR challenges the security of the data as system breakdown may lead to the loss of significant information about the patient health whereas security breach may result in information theft. Breakdowns and breaches may also negatively affect the operation of various technologies and devices, thus endangering both the patients and the nurses. Finally, the implementation of nursing informatics requires the educational establishments to reorganize their programs so that the students will be taught how to use all these technologies.

  • Hughes, C. (2015). Informatics and technologies in professional nursing practice. Johns and Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from http://samples.jbpub.com
  • Warren, J. J. & Hartley, Ch. A. (2012). Integrating quality, safety, and education strategies into nursing competences. Nursing Informatics. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu

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