
Organizational Change Management

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Organizational change is the transitioning process in the teams, individuals and structures within an organization for the purpose of future success. Organizational change is always an overwhelming process that has a lot of challenges for organizations (Anderson, 2001). This is because of the effects that this change may have on the economic environments, shifts in market structures, demands in change of workforce skills and advancements in technology. Organizational change requires appropriate leadership measures during change to as to enhance success in the changes adopted.

Implementing changes in an organization can neither be described as an automatic nor mechanical process. This presents a transitional state within an organization as it involves most of the resources within the organization. It does not present just an event. This is a continuous process within any organization (Jones, 2004). The leaders should strategically engage the minds of the people within the organization so as to help them adopt the new ways of thinking. This is important because it will assist the people to realign themselves to the new ways of thinking. This is a very crucial step as it will enhance dynamism in the internal structures of the organization and thus leading to high chances of success. Starbucks needs strategic improvements in the organization so as to make the cycle-time, quality and cost of their products reasonable (Anderson, 2001).

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Cycle time is used to describe the time that a product takes to be completely processed. In Starbucks, if there was the initiative to reduce the cycle time in the organization, this will ultimately be everybody’s obligation within the organization. This is becoming in improvement of the cycle-time, its reduction is very important to make the organization much more profitable.

Cycle-time improvement in Starbucks presents various challenges. This is because for a product to undergo a full cycle, it undergoes various stages and departments. Improvement of the cycle means that all the sections involved has to be affected in the process of effecting the change (Jones, 2004). This will bring about a major shake-up in all the processes and stages in which a product undergoes. This is important because it will assist not to sacrifice the quality of a product. This may also lead to structural and logistical changes that may require specialized attention and training (Anderson, 2001).

Quality defines the goodness or badness of something. This is a characteristic feature of something. In Starbucks, improvement of quality may entail the addition of superiority into their products. Improvement of quality is a major step towards enhancing customer satisfaction. Quality improvement in the products requires improvement of quality in every section within the organization. Improvement of quality has a big challenge in increasing the investments within the organization. This is because in improving the quality, the quality of the services within the organization has to be improved. This may also need a lot of time and professionalism to handle (Jones, 2004).

Improvement of quality needs a lot of sacrifices and determinations. This is because the organization has to overcome some traditional barriers and cultures that may lead to improvement of quality. Improvement of quality may also need gradual preparation of the environment within the organization and thus prompting more attention. The staff in the company may not understand the need for quality improvement, it is therefore important to conduct an initiative to bring awareness into the organization (Jones, 2004).

Improvement of cost entails adjustment in the financial transactions of the organization. Improvement of cost can be as a result of taking major considerations in the side of the customer. Improving costs can serve the purpose of reducing operation costs. Managing change in costs is a very critical endeavor in any business. This is because it may lead to massive adjustment within the organizational structures and operations (Jones, 2004). This is crucial process because it may lead to massive considerations in the quality of a product. Changes in cost should be taken with a lot of care so that they do not sacrifice quality.

In dealing with the resistance to change, it is imperative that the management understands the nature of the resistance. The most type of resistance that is likely to occur is the social change that usually accompanies technical change. This is because this kind of resistance affects the human relations. It is as a result of certain attitudes that employees have towards the new ideas. This resistance to change must be mitigated and controlled in order to ensure there is success in implementing changes (Jones, 2004).

To overcome the resistance to change, the manager should inform the people about the change. He should ensure that all the people are aware of the change and understand the opportunities and necessities for the change. In the process, the employees should be provided with the skills, knowledge and tools to enable them navigate through the change. The employees should be kept up to date on what is going on in the organization (Anderson, 2001). This can be by addressing the major concerns, needs, questions and issues that may arise as a result of the change. This will make the employees feel as if they part of the change and ultimately p[art of the organization.

In conclusion, change is inevitable in an organization. Starbucks needs effective management techniques in order to assist in managing improvement techniques and managing change (Anderson, 2001). In handling changes within the organization, the challenges that are expected include adopting of new technology. The use of creativity and innovation in the leadership is very important in managing and mitigating change.

  • Anderson, D. (2001). Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today’s Transformational Leaders. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  •  Jones, G. R. (2004). Organizational Theory, Design and Change. NY: Addison-Wesley.

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