
Outdated System

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If you wanted to know about a country’s future, look at the education they have. Education is basically the most important part in a society. It grows the children’s mentality to decide what they want to do in the future. However, almost all of the countries around the world have the same system of education. Looking at everything we have now comparing it with what it used to be in the past, we can tell that it has changed a 180’. For example, cars, phones, airplanes, or even the musical instruments. Yet, this system has not developed at all. Students are still asked to sit in a specific way neatly raising their hand if they wanted to express an idea or ask a question. During these eight hours at school, children are treated like zombies, getting forced to take a half an hour for a break and then being forced to think in certain way they might not even like. Of course the tools got better, like using tablets and modern education tools. The problem is with the system itself. Is this a suitable system or do we have to change it to something else?

Students are treated and educated as they have the same mind and the same interests which will lead to lack of creativity. Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. Students are asked to do homework, study for exams, and do workshops etc. They feel so much pressure during those meaningless tests to get the grade they are seeking to pass their classes. The environment is too competitive instead of getting students to cooperate and work together. Education is important, but it must be done the right way to get the best out of every student. Isaac Newton for example wasn’t good at school, yet he became one of the best scientist ever because he got educated the way he wanted.

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Asking a person who is interested in art to be good at math is irrational and might get this person to lose the focus on the thing he or she is good at. I’m not saying that we should stop teaching basic math to children, I think we should teach those basics at the beginning then let them discover their interest and work on them. Taking the U.S as an example, it is ranked 14th in education out of 40 countries, 2nd in ignorance, 24th in literacy, 17th in educational performance. Let’s compare the education system between the U.S (ranked 14th) and Singapore (ranked 3rd). The U.S education is the outdated one that I’m criticizing while Singapore are using something else. They are concentrating in developing the students’ skills based on their abilities and mentalities. The stayed away from the old ways which focus on memorization and repetition and focused on conceptual learning to unleash the children’s creativity.
The testing system is broken as well. For an hour, a student might sit behind a paper trying to solve a 20 multiple choice question which will determine his grade facing the pressure of failing. Frederick .J .Kelly, the man who invented standardized testing, who said and I quote.
“These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned.”
This leads us to think again about the situation we are in. Children might represent 10-15% of our present, but eventually they’ll be 100% of the future. I don’t have the ability to design a complete educational system because it is out of my major. But having these main Ideas to make a change in whatever way to make school a fun place not a hell for children.

The education system needs to implement effective learning styles. The outdated methods of learning needs to be eradicated with the main objective of enhancing learning. According to Almigbal one of the major issues concerning learning is that it varies from one person to another (10). In essence, learning is dependent on psychological factors and biological factors. These two factors vary from person A to person B. Researchers have conducted both empirical and non-empirical studies with the primary objective of understanding how an individual’s learning capacity works. The results of the studies clearly indicate that learning is biologically imposed. The other crucial issue noted from these studies is that each has unique characteristics that determine their learning styles. It is imperative to note that teachers have a unique role in teaching the learning process. The majority of the teachers teach the ways that they have experience with and more so the styles that the learned.

Moreover, it is profound to note that there are numerous implications of teacher’s experience in learning. Research indicates that most of the students who fail complain that they do not like how their teachers teach. In this case, it is clear that their learning preferences may not have been considered by the teachers. The challenge becomes more especially with varied cultural backgrounds. Currently, there is increased the level of globalization leading to increased cross-cultural interaction. In addition to the above, modernization has encouraged the movement from one learning institution to another. In many cases, students move from a school they consider better to a best one (Rogowsky, Calhoun, & Tallal 40). However, due to the movement educational background changes. Some of the other issues that changes include the teachers, the environment, and the learning process. As a result of such changes in educational background and cultural background which changes the learning styles the student performance may be interrupted.

Manolis et al. statistics indicate that those students who move from one school to another take some time to adjust. In essence, one of the most crucial aspects they are adjusting to is the new environment (45). The student has to make new friends. Socialize, and also adapt to the new place. Secondly, the student has to adjust to the learning style in the new location. In particular, such students have to learn how the new teachers teach and conduct their programs. The implication of this adjustment process is dependent on the personal traits and experience of a student. For fast learner students, adjusting to the new learning styles takes a short time.

In that connection, they can easily understand what the new teachers are teaching. In the end, they will be able to pass their exams comfortable. On the contrary, the slow learner students take a longer period to learn the new teaching and learning skills. This means that at the initial stages of the adjustment period they may lag behind. As a result, their performance in class may not be their best (Komarraju et al., 472) maintains that the success of such students in adapting depends on of how the teacher supports such students to cope with the learning skills. Experienced teachers will ensure that the transition process takes the shortest time possible. This is mainly to ensure that the academic achievements of such students are improved promptly.

In addition to the above, several problems are faced by students during the learning process. Most students who fail in exams claim that it is due to the difficulty of the subject. For instance, those who fail in science subjects argue that sciences are involved. To some point, they have an idea of this kind of failure. However, for researchers, this is an entirely different case (Komarraju et al., 473). Researchers and scholars assert that the difficulty of a subject is dependent on the cognitive process involved in understanding the concepts in that subject. In essence, the level and the type of the cognitive process play a crucial role in determining the ease of understanding the concepts. In such situations, several strategies can be used by the teachers. It has been noted that the main issue that makes it easy for the students to comprehend the concepts is how the lesson is conducted. In that case, it means that the learning style plays a crucial role as compared even to the topic itself.

As a result, to enhance the academic performance of students, teachers need to improve their teaching skills. They need to identify the most practical, easiest, and convenient styles for the learners. One way of achieving this is to assess the differences that exist between students. The best way to realize this difference is to appreciate that the students are not the same. After that, the teachers work to examine various education needs that the students have. At the end of the examination, the teacher ensures that all the needs of the students are achieved during the learning process. In the end, this will be an essential way to optimize learning as well enhance the academic performance of the students. Thus, there is a substantial need to encourage teachers to conduct an analysis of the student needs with the aim of ensuring that the learning process is enhanced. As well, this will ensure that the students optimize the learning process, get the concepts, and apply them in real life situations (Manolis et al., 15).

In conclusion, it is precise that there is a substantial need to enhance the education system. The main objective of this enhancement is to ensure that the students who go through such systems come out with effective skills that enable them to succeed in life. One of the most crucial changes that needs to be implemented is to improve the learning styles. Teachers should ensure that they use effective skills that promote successful understanding and application of the concepts.

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