
Personal Brand Statement

351 words | 2 page(s)

A personal statement is a distinct description of a person’s value. Every person is expected to have a unique statement describing his/her her professional values. The development of a personal brand statement is the first and core aspect that a person should undertake before writing blog posts or setting up LinkedIn profile among other undertakings. The essay will elaborate four key points regarding the development of a personal brand statement.

One of the key issues that need to be considered during the development of a personal brand statement is the target audience. Understanding the demographics, industry and geographical location of your target audience will ensure that an individual focuses on a particular sector. Another issue that needs to be addressed when crafting a personal brand statement is its authenticity. It is fundamental that an individual is not carried away by the ‘fake it until you make it’ notion but rather puts down what is authentic. Terms like guru or expert should be left to the audience for determination based on your description. It is vital to note that the purpose of a personal brand statement is to inform the audience and not to scare them away.

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The third aspect that one needs to pay close attention to when writing a personal brand statement is keeping it precise and memorable. While a person should avoid technical and big words as they can alienate the audience, one should ensure that it can be understood and memorized so that even the target audience can explain about you to another potential customer with less difficulty. Other than that, keeping a personal brand statement succinct speaks a lot about one’s introspection and professional focus. Moreover, a person should make sure that his/her statement is not cast iron. After the initial crafting of a personal brand statement, there exists a possibility of making changes in future. While making changes is easier, a person should not be carried away and alter everything. However, one should make changes on his/her statement once or twice a year to reflect changes and advancement in the career.

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