
Personal Experience About Bullying

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As Sharp et al. (107) support, bullying is a situation whereby an individual uses strength to force someone to do an action (Sharp et al., 107). This paper will explore a personal experience about bullying to clearly illustrate what bullying is all about. I walked down the school halls with my head low staring at the ground. I was anxious as fear ran all over my body expecting to hear the sarcastic words again. A long time ago I used to think that a school is supposed to be somewhere where a student will go to have fun and be relaxed as learning process takes place but that wasn’t the case. The halls are raged with memories that will haunt me forever. And when I think of the bullying situation I faced it makes me feel that am at the wrong place at the right time.

“You are fat; you look like an elephant!”. These are the words that keep on rushing through my mind and the fear is kicking in again. A box, a simple box I thought that’s all I needed to hide from everyone. I go home to a strict diet regime that never seemed to work. The shape of my body made me be popularly known in the whole school. My classmates, of course, respected me and some of them even feared me because they thought I was strong enough to tease them. Any time I passed near a junior class all I received was abuses from the senior class members. The senior schoolmates that I found in that school never gave me humble time to enjoy my time in school. I went through hell and embarrassment. Anything I tried to oppose subjected me to a beating and they all took it that I was trying to behave rudely to them because of my body size.

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I remember there is a day I stepped on one of the seniors shows while walking towards my classroom. The student squeezed my neck making me chock like for five minutes. He then crowned it by giving me a heavy slap on my back and shouted fat big! Use your eyes. All I heard was laughing sound from the surrounding classes as some of the students stretched their necks outside through the window to look at me. As I proceeded to my class I the teacher on duty saw me and called me. “It seems you do not have something constructive to do that is why you are bouncing around” he quoted. I wish he knew how troubled I was. “Go and clean the staffroom right now”. That is how I was subjected to a punishment. As young as I was in the staffroom cleaning seats and shelves while other teachers were looking at me made me feel embarrassed.

I never enjoyed my moment in school at all. Sometimes I ever looked at myself and imagined how the senior students used to tease me, making fun of my body, and calling me names and I felt I was at the wrong place. It really affected me mentally and I longed to change my learning institution. As Orpinas et al. (213) support, school bullying makes a number of students to affect their academic performance, increase loneliness and change their eating habits (Orpinas et al., 213). I felt that I should just be alone and always being almost doing the opposite thing as others did to see whether I can even eat. I was traumatized and even missing meals because of stress. When a senior student saw one of us passing all you could hear is “Hey! Come here and do me this”. Sometimes you will even be called for nothing for them to see whether you are obedient to them.

School diet was also another issue that made me lose hope on eating the required food. Food was served at the dining hall during lunchtime hour where each table hard five to six members. Break-time tea was also served to us but that was a little bit fair because I could pick the quarter slice loaf of bread directly from the cook. The seniors were allowed to take their meals before us. When our time comes all we could access is food remaining’s. It was hard to fill your stomach and get satisfied as well. Since there was no otherwise I had to eat the remainings. The seniors had no time to do their manual works instead bullying did its part in making us work for them. I had started to define what slavery was. Sometimes I could go to the school shop buy some foodstuffs for consumption but arriving the dining hall, the foodstuffs become publicly shared without my approval. The actions are supported by the statement “the school culture is always like that. No way a young individual can see an elder individual starving and yet the young individual expects to be protected from any harm and danger”.

Time to go home was another terrible moment. I tried to imagine how my senior students could make me carry their bags and other stuff as they freely walked home while playing and made me frustrated. While still carrying their bags they could again try to send me to pick for them either snack from the shop or anything they needed. One by one they will pick their bags from me as they branched to their homes. I hated being what I was at that time and even feared to tell anybody about my condition since I feared they will beat me again and again. And that is how I ended up in stress and lost my weight till now that am regaining. More fear was that I was the only one passing through all these bullying actions, my classmates also used to complain as others even cried due to pain and anger.

  • Orpinas, Pamela, and Arthur M. Horne. Bullying prevention: Creating a positive school climate and developing social competence. American Psychological Association, 2006.
  • Sharp, Sonia, and Peter K. Smith. School bullying: Insights and perspectives. Routledge, 2002.

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