
Philosophy of Religion

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Religion is one important element of any society around the globe. Based on religion the society is faced with many questions that philosophers and other scholars have tried to answer. Idea about God is a question that has been ignored by many due to the strong belief the existence of God. However, not many have the idea or understand the theories or ideas which led to a larger world population being convinced of Gods existence. Arguments for the existence of God have different perspectives; history, science, personal experiences and philosophy. The major philosophical arguments which are often focused on are; ontological arguments, first cause arguments, arguments from design and the moral arguments, these arguments have formed the basis of believing by many on God’s existence. Ontological arguments brought across by St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that God exists on condition that it is a logical reason for God to exist. The argument requires people not only belief in God but also on the fact that God is necessary. If an individual believes God is necessary then, it is logical enough to believe that God exists. From another perspective, these arguments are bait to bare assertion fallacy. This implies that the qualities are inherently based on unproven statements. It is also a circular argument revolving from a premise to conclusion that relies on the premise that relies on the conclusion.

Moral arguments assert that God must exist for: an aspect of morality to be observed, belief in God is a better explanation for morality than any alternative and belief in God is better than disbelief in God. The moral arguments are valid only if all three attributes hold but the first is not acceptable since morality is not universal. Indeed, it is based around the society around it thus is not objective. The arguments brought forward steered massive conflicts on which argument strongly argues the existence of God. Studies have revealed the strongest argument on the existence of God is the argument from reason as brought by Thomas Aquinas.

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Thomas Aquinas is ranked among influential philosophers who played a major role in shaping Christianity. In his arguments, Aquinas’s sort to prove the existence of God, according to Aquinas, the society had been equipped with enough information to convince them that God exists. To try and convince the society on God’s the existence, Aquinas introduced vital ways of proving the existence of God. According to Aquinas keen study or analysis provided enough proof on the existence of God. The elements deployed to prove God’s existence by Aquinas are things being in motion, efficient causes, possibility and necessity (Reduction argument), gradation of beings, and design argument. These five reasons played a key role in helping Aquinas prove to the society that God exists (Chapter 1: Religion pp. 60).

Starting with things being in motion, Aquinas argues that there is someone who put things in motion including human beings. According Aquinas, this person is God; people get motion sense from superior direction that no one can explain the source and reason. This sense comes from God whom he considers to be the controller of everything in motion. He argues that based on the static nature of things nothing can move on by itself.

Series of happening in the world are caused by efficient causes that no human being can explain. This according to Aquinas accurately points out the existence of God. The aspect of possibility and necessity is another element Aquinas feels proves God’s existence. This because the human being face a number of issues with possibilities of being done or achieved and some being just necessary. According to Aquinas, this environment points out the existence of a supernatural being who is God. Gradation in things, with some being better than others is an aspect no one can achieve apart from God. The design of nature where natural bodies work towards similar goals indicates some force in control, according Aquinas that force is God. Based on religious background Aquinas is trying to prove the existence of God of the bible.

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