
Phonetics Assignment

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Security /sɪˈkjʊrətiː/, Missile /ˈmɪsəl/, IPads [ipads], Entertainment /ˌentərˈteɪnmənt/, Explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/, Linguistics / lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks/, Gratefully [gratefully], Question /ˈkwestʃən /, Thesis /ˈθiːsəs /, Apathetic /ˌæpəˈθetɪk /, Procession / prəˈseʃən /, Leisure /ˈliːʒər /, Elephantine /ˌeləˌfænˈtaɪniː/, Calculating /ˈkælkjəˌleɪtɪŋ/, Whitener /ˈwaɪtnər /, Exhortation /ˌekˌsɔrˈteɪʃən /, Geometry / dʒiːˈɑmətriː/, Rhythm /ˈrɪðəm /, Rhyme/ˈraɪm /, Rhythmical /[rhythmical] /, Potential / pəˈtenʃəl /, Cell phone / [cellphone]/, Addiction / əˈdɪkʃən /, Machines / məˈʃiːnz /, Clutter/ˈklətər/.

[b ] [ f ] [ m ] [ p ] [ s ] Answers is [ s ] since it is the only one that doesn’t have an aspiration and a flap. Moreover it is pronounced with the tongue coming into contact with the rough palate while the rest are pronounced with the lips.

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[ ʧ ] [ s ] [ ɵ ] [ ʃ ] [ ʒ] Answer is [ ɵ ] because it is a consonant sound.
[ ʃ ] [ ɵ ] [ ʧ ] [ k ] [ ʒ] Answer is [ k ] because it is a consonant sound.

[ l ] [ m ] ] [ j ] [ n ] [ r ] Answer is [ m ] since it is the only one pronounced with the lips. The others are pronounced with the contact of the tongue with either the soft or rough palate.

[ k ] [ d ] [ p ] [ ʔ ] [ ɵ ] Answer is [ p ] since it has an aspiration; a column of air is let loose when pronouncing it while the rest lack one.

[ I ] [ e ] [  ] [ ɪ ] [ ɘ ] Answer is [  ] since it is the only consonant sound.

[ I ] [ ɑ ] [ aɪ ] [ ɘ ] [ u ] Answer is [ u ] because it is the only one pronounced with a rounded form of the lips. The rest are pronounced when the lips are oval.

[ p ] [ ʤ] [j] [ g ] [ s ] Answer is [ p ] because it is pronounced on the lips while the rest are pronounced when the tongue comes into contact with the soft palate.
ð is the symbol for voice Interdental fricative.
‘t’ is the symbol of a voiceless alveolar stop.
is the symbol for a voiced velar stop.
ɟ is the symbol for a partial stop
b is the symbol for bilabial stop
d͡ʑ is the symbol for a voiced alveolopalatal affricate
ŋ is the symbol for velar nasal.
ə is the symbol for midcentral vowel.
v is the symbol for voiced labiodentals fricative.
ɾ is the symbol for alveolar flap.

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