
Politics of Sports

343 words | 2 page(s)

Though it is hard to imagine politics having any relationship to sports except where the use of sports metaphors are concerned (e.g., “That candidate really scored points with the voters!”), the fact remains that politics do indeed have an impact on sports. Sports, particularly at the global level, can be used as a means to enhance international relations and highlight the host country (Grix, 2013). Furthermore, because sports are often looked at as a universal language that transcends such barriers as religion and economic status (Darnell, 2010), sports can serve as a starting point for discussions focused on topics such as human rights, economics, and education, all of which are often foci of governments and political parties.

Because sports can be used to promote awareness of a country and its politics, this can affect athletes who participate in sports, both positively and negatively. Athletes who are outspokenly opposed to the politics and practices of their government may find themselves unable to participate. An example of this has been seen in the 2014 Winter Olympics and LGBT rights. Fans might find their favorite athletes and teams affected by being unable to participate in international events as a result of conflicting politics. Whole communities of people might find themselves barred from participating as athletes or spectators as a result of politics (again, like the 2014 Winter Olympics). Because of these conflicts, situations discussing issues like human rights become more important, but the conflicts and controversies get in the way.

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Scholars note that researcher regarding the use of sports as a tool of international relations is limited (Grix, 2013) which suggests that the real impact of politics on sports is not really understood, particularly at the global level. That it is useful for promoting cultural awareness and infusing economies is undeniable, but how this is affected by politics is as yet unclear.

  • Darnell, S. C. (2010). Power, politics and “sport for development and peace”: Investigating the
    utility of sport for international development. Sociology Of Sport Journal, 27(1), 54-75.
  • Grix, J. (2013). Sport politics and the Olympics. Political Studies Review, 11(1), 15-25.

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