
Pope Innocent IV & Guyuk Letters Summary

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Due to the Mongols attack on Eastern and Central Europe in the late 1230s, and failure of the Polish and Hungarians to stop the invasions, Pope Innocent IV sent a letter to Mongol to convince them to cease with the attacks. Among other contents of the letter included expressing his shock on the Mongols attacks of other countries especially the ones belongings to Christians and other religions. He also had concerns on the levels of destruction that the invasions had caused. The Pope invoked the name of Jesus Christ and beseeched Mongol to desist from assaults especially on Christians. He further threatened that if the Mongols do not stop their attacks, Almighty God would punish them for their wickedness. In response, Guyuk Khan commanded that the pope on receiving their response to come in person with all the princes to serve them in their country. He also justified their actions by saying that they served the Commands of Heaven, which is why they could conquer all those territories.

Pegolotti’s Practice of Commerce- List of things Needed when Travelling to China
Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, Bardi Banking House of Florence agent, who once served as a merchant in Bardi’s family from London to Cyprus wrote a handbook guiding the merchants on what they needed during their travels based on his years of experience. The handbook contains various town currencies, the weights and measures used in those localities and their languages. He also included a short essay advising merchants bound for China. Some of the things he listed include:

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1) The merchants need to grow their beard without shaving
2) They need to furnish themselves with dragoman
3) A good dragomen
4) Two good men servants with cumanian knowledge
5) 25 days provision of flour, salt and fish
6) Linens
7) Silver
8) Horses or asses for riding.

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