
Pre-Employment Screening

324 words | 2 page(s)

The success of every company is much dependent on the leadership and the workforce it has. Therefore, the hiring process is critical, and employers should carry out effectively. Faultiness in this process may translate to hiring ineffective workforce leading to resource wastage that may be costly to the company’s brand image, profits, and reputation. To get the right team company’s use different techniques, for example, one method involves showing a video to likely hires before conducting an interview.

In this videos, the contents shown may include a feature of the company culture, employers brand, company’s employees and their roles, tour of the company’s offices or working environment, and testimonials from brand’s acquaintances. According to Cockerell (2008), some of the benefits of showcasing these videos to potential employees include weeding out uninterested employees, orienting successful applicants in advance and to some extent offer basic training. This strategy has been put to use by local and multinational entities such as Apple and Starbucks (Christensen, 2015).

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The technique is useful since it enables potential hires to interact and familiarize with the organization before getting interviewed. Through such videos, they get a glimpse of what the company expects in the work environment which helps them decide if they want to be part of the company’s team or not. In Starbuck, for example, applicants are shown a video that illustrates an opportunity for the candidates’ growth, which gives the viewer “a look at how a start to finish the employment process works,” meaning they grow both with the company and as individuals (Christensen, 2015). Additionally, it gives them a platform to ask questions that employers can respond to before the interview, which creates an interactive platform where the employer can know the candidate’s expectation and address critical issues raised.

  • Christensen, S. (2015, April 15). 10 companies that totally nailed the company culture video. Retrieved from http://hr.sparkhire.com/company-culture-2/10-companies-that- totally-nailed-the-company-culture-video/
  • Cockrell, L. (2008). Creating Magic. Crown Business

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