
Privacy, Social Media, and Youth Today

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We will be looking at a blog, a YouTube video, and a podcast in order to comment on the increasing problem of privacy and social media among our youth today. We will analyze the blog on the Psychology Today website designated for psychologists working with young people and how this blog might help school guidance counselors with their patients. The YouTube video discussed is from Dr. Martin Johnson about Facebook addiction, and we will analyze whether or not videos like these can help child psychologists dealing with the new world of social media. Finally, we will listen to a podcast on technology and psychology from the University of Kentucky led by Jonathon Golding. Two articles on social media, young people, and psychology will be cited for further information. As a conclusion, we will discuss whether or not these forms of media might be helpful as a school guidance counselor, and how they contribute a more globalized, integrated society. We will list three factors that should be considered when doing research online.

When we consider our new society and our young people’s constant connection with social media, we might wonder what sites would be helpful to child psychologists and guidance counselors. By looking at these sites, we are able to gain a better understanding of how social media might affect the lives of our young people, and how school psychologists and others offering guidance to young people can utilize this media.

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Psychology Today Blog
First researched was the blog on the Psychology Today (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-moment-youth) dedicated to the mental health of young people. The blog is headed by Dr. Marilyn Price, a child psychologist. She often updates the site on different aspects of child psychology and how her peers and the parents of young people might be able to use the information she places on the site. The articles are not peer-reviewed, and they are meant to be read by a wide audience rather than by a specific clinical or academic readership. Though the articles might be helpful to those with a basic understanding of psychology, they would not be helpful to those who need to approach issues young people might have from a clinical or professional level.

Facebook Addiction Video
This video is an interview with Dr. Martin Johnson about Facebook addiction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY2KH8LGmU0). In the video, Dr. Johnson discusses how Facebook can become an addiction and why some patients might find themselves struggling with an addiction to social media. The video is supplied by a television news program (http://www.kitvtv.com) and is not supported by an academic or medical association. The information he provides is useful and interesting, but like the Psychology Today blog, the video does not provide details that might be helpful to a practicing psychologist. Though it provides practical information to those who might be struggling with a social media addiction, it would not offer the kind of help a professional would want for their patients.

Technology and Social Media Podcast
The University of Kentucky provides an in-depth series of podcasts based on different areas of psychology and social media (http://psychology.as.uky.edu/podcasts/tag/823). Jonathan Golding talks about his experience integrating technology into his psychology classes. Though this does not offer professional psychologists information relevant to their work, it does discuss how social media is not being integrated into schools and college life. Because the podcast is supported by an academic institution, the information is valuable and first-hand. Dr. Golding talks about his personal experience with social media and the new social generation and how technology can be included to give students a well-rounded, more globalized education.

Articles Supporting Social Media
Most experts agree that it is impossible not to somehow include social media into students’ lives or into professional practice (Tynes, Rose & Markoe, 2013). Not only is social media highly influential for older, college age students, but it is also a large part of younger students’ social communication, as well (Kranich, 2007). Many experts say that in order to fully be able to relate to patients, child psychologists and school guidance counselors should be aware of social media and how it might be causing issues in a young person’s life (Pea, Nass, Mehuela, Rance & Kumar, 2012).

Three factors should be involved when professionals are looking at using information online. First, they should check to see whether the source they are gaining the information from is reliable. By looking at academic and medical sites, they can gain the most relevant and pertinent information for their patients. Secondly, they should make sure the information is peer-reviewed by other psychologists. The information should be backed up by several other qualified psychologists, and should include accurate statistics and case studies. Lastly, the information should be current and relevant to a patient’s needs.

  • Brendesha Tynes, C. R. (2013). Extending Campus Life to the Internet: Social Media, Discrimination, and Perceptions of Racial Climate. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education , 6 (2), 102-114.
  • Golding, J. (2013, February 19). University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences. Retrieved July 25, 2013, from Department of Psychology: http//:www.psychology.as.uky.edu/podcasts/tag/823
  • Johnson, D. M. (2009). YouTube. Retrieved July 25, 2013, from YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY2KH8LGmU0
  • Kranich, N. (2007, November/December). Librarians and Teen Privacy in the Age of Social Media. Knowledge Quest , 34-37.
  • Pea, N. M. (2012). Media Use, Face-to-Face Communication, Media Multitasking, and Social Well-Being Among 8-to 12-Year-Old Girls. Developmental Psychology , 48 (2), 327-226.
  • Price-Mitchell, M. (2013, July 25). Psychology Today-The Moment Youth. Retrieved 2013, from Psychology Today: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-moment-youth

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