
Pro Abortion

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Abortion has become one of the biggest controversies of this century. Many people especially from religious groups believe it is immoral and even consider it as murder. However, what is the definition of abortion? Abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy by removing the embryo or the fetus before it can live outside the uterus. The debate about abortion is torn into two part pro-life and pro-choice believers.

Social analysis advocates for safe, legal and relatively affordable abortions. Until the 1973 decision to legalize abortion approximately one million women had abortions annually. Abortion had become the number one cause of maternal deaths and mutilation which is a contradiction to pro-life ideals of importance of life. An FBI report estimates that 9000 rape victims become pregnant each year, a further 100,000 cases involved incest before the 1973 decision to legalize abortion to solve some of this issues. Pro-life may argue that legalizing abortion is moral wrong but where in morality does rape or incest stand? People who have suffered such abuses should not be denied abortion services on bases of morality.

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The report by national health survey showed that two thirds of all the teenage pregnancies are unplanned and this is mainly occasioned by inadequate access to family planning treatments. The teenagers deserved a chance at achieving their dreams of completing studies and if they want to have families later on. However pro-life proponents would argue that teenagers as everybody else should be responsible for their own actions but inadequate access to contraceptive services is healthcare responsibility to provide and educate our teenager about the danger of engaging in unprotected intercourse. Therefore, should teenagers be denied the opportunity to study uninterrupted for government and society’s failure to educate them? The answer is pretty obvious, no they should continue their studies.

If a teenager were to give birth and given a normal teenager economic ability the child would end up with welfare services which would cost the taxpayers more than it would have cost to procure a Medicaid abortion. While for pro-life the biggest issue that provokes irritable angers is what they claim as the “fetus right to life” being it poses a status that would potentially lead to a human being. The pro-life or anti-abortionist argue that conception is life and if that were true then abortion is murder. They argue that abortion is violation of the unborn rights. The United States supreme court decision of 1973 concluded that an unborn fetus has no constitutional rights to life or any other legal right until the third trimester. This was arrived at on the basis that prior to the third trimester the unborn fetus cannot survive on its own without the mother. Therefor the argument that the fetus has rights is not a valid reason to block abortion.

The argument of rights however continues to be delineated further in social interpretation by looking at rights as social doctrine products. For instance, children and pets are present within societal confines and as such receive parental protection from elements in their environment. It is agreeable that in social doctrines that any rights are only applicable if to people who are already members of the group providing the rights. For example, a French cannot lay claim to American rights until gains American citizenship similarly for pro-life proponents to argue that fetus have rights is both unreasonable and fairly controversial.

Unplanned pregnancies cause unnecessary tension and don’t offer the ideal environment for the birth of child and thus if a woman feels unprepared to have a child she should have the right to abort the unborn fetus. Pro- life would however object to the notion that unpreparedness should be a factor to allow abortion. Using a real-life example to explain this situation bring more light to the issue. Suppose you come home and find someone sited outside your pouch eating a sandwich you had saved for dinner. The most appropriate action would be to evict the stranger from the pouch and everyone would agree it is the right decision. Why does change having a stranger growing inside you when you are not prepared should be treated with the same measure. Women should be given a choice to decide when to have a child and when it is not appropriate.

Another complication is when partner procure a faulty contraception without their knowledge the couple should not be disallowed to procure an abortion because they used a faulty contraception which in essence is not their problem, it is a manufacturer’s problem. However anti-abortionist would argue that willing committing to have intercourse is acceptance of responsibility. However, the case of a faulty contraception can be equated to a broken window situation. A thief does not have a right to steal because the window is broken same applies to fetus growing without your consent. A fetus does not bare the right to grow inside a woman if the woman does not want. therefore, anti-abortionist claim for rights and bearing responsibility can equated to an old man who claims that he has the right to force other people to help him cross the road. People do it if they are willing to help.

Religious anti-abortion crusaders argue that all life at conception is innocent and as such deserves a chance a life. The argument is that God is the prime determiner of life or death and the mother has no role in deciding that fate. However, it is unethical to force everyone to agree with biblical interpretation of life and who is the convener of the said life. However, the United States constitution which all people in the United states should abide under states in the 9th amendment that the freedom of choice is scared and shall be protected by the constitution.

Accepting abortion is promotion of freedom. Religious groups or government should not have the right to control when a woman can give birth or not. Anti-abortion would however argue that the abortion is not a freedom and as such we cannot promote freedom buy denying another potential human being the right to the same freedom to be born it moral incorrect. A religious groups or government that block abortion on moral grounds in essence are trying to legislate morality which is illegal and “incorrect” to use their words.

Abortion will remain as a sticky issue and all manner of reason will be given about why it moral or culturally or whatever form wrong to have an abortion. Religious organizations are going to continually mount a lot of pressure for abolition of pro-choice regulations for tougher rules that would essentially criminalize abortion in the long run. However, it must abortion should be embraced by all women as a way of holding your own decisions in your hands. Rape victims would be protected from the reminders of their regrettable encounter with their offenders. Teenagers would can continue their studies without having to worry about their children. Partners can make proper choices for to start a family and many other benefits. Pro- abortion does not mean lack of value for humanity it means appreciating human in ways that allows them to have choices over their lives. A woman freedom to choose should never be taken away from whatsoever.

  • FBI Releases 1979 Crime Statistics. Federal Bureau of Investigation. 2016. Available at: https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-releases-1979-crime-statistics. Accessed December 10, 2016.
  • Fontaine M. America Has an Incest Problem. The Atlantic. 2016. Available at: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/01/america-has-an-incest-problem/272459/. Accessed December 10, 2016.
  • Abortion Rights Are Guaranteed Throughout the Constitution. Daily Kos. 2016. Available at: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/3/3/1191195/-Abortion-Rights-Are-Guaranteed-Throughout-the-Constitution. Accessed December 10, 2016.
  • Finer LB, Frohwirth LF, Dauphinee LA, Singh S, Moore AM. Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2005;37(03):110-118. doi:10.1363/3711005
  • BBC – Ethics – Abortion: Arguments in favour of abortion. Bbccouk. 2016. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/abortion/mother/for_1.shtml. Accessed December 10, 2016.

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