
Pro Gay Marriage Research Outline

343 words | 2 page(s)

I. Introduction
A. The United States Constitution protects gay marriage because of its commitment to liberty and equality for all.
B. Gay marriage can assist in increasing finances in local, state, and federal governments.
C. Since legal marriage is a secular institution, it should not be prevented due to religious objections to this type of marriage.

II. Point 1: The United States Constitution protects gay marriage because of its commitment to liberty and equality for all. (Barro, 2013) (Cornell Law, 1868) (Strauss, 2014)
A. The U.S. Supreme Court case of Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur
B. Due Process clause in the 5th and 14th amendment in the U.S. Constitution
C. The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th amendment

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III. Point 2: Gay marriage can assist in increasing finances in local, state, and federal governments. (Perry, 2009)
A. Components of government revenue from marriage are increases in income taxes, marriage licenses, and decrease in costs associated with state benefit programs
B. In New York City, gay marriage has added $259,000,000 to the city’s economy since becoming legal
C. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the budget deficit would be decreased by $450,000,000 per year

IV. Point 3: Since legal marriage is a secular institution, it should not be prevented due to religious objections to this type of marriage. (Walker, 2010) (People for the American Way Foundation, 2014)
A. Marriage is both a civil and religious institution, which has caused religious leaders leeway to redefine the institution of marriage.
B. Civil law has allowed for redefinition of marriage, i.e. Perry v. Schwarzenegger
C. Religious institutions should be able to deny gay marriage if they wish, but should not dictate marriage laws in society.

  • Barro, J. (2013, March 26). What Is the Fiscal Impact of Gay Marriage?
  • Cornell Law. (1868, July 9). 14th Amendment [of the US Constitution].
  • Ellis, B. (2012, July 24). Gay Marriage Boosts NYC’s Economy by $259 Million in First Year.
  • People for the American Way Foundation. (2014, December 16). Marriage Equality Opponents Blur Distinction between Civil and Religious Marriage,.
  • Perry, K. (2009, May 27). The Cost of Gay Marriage – In Dollars and Cents. Christian Science Monitor.

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