
Production for Farmers Market Discussion

383 words | 2 page(s)

Horticulture is an agricultural branch that deals with the art, technology, science, and the profound business activity of growing plants that includes fruits, medicinal plants, vegetables, flowers, and non-food crops like ornamental trees and grass (Cch Tax Law, 2007). Therefore, the production and consumption of high quality vegetables and fruits enables the people to maintain healthy and balanced diet on a daily basis. In handling the business in horticulture, one needs to understand the background and the significance of the business as they carry out their daily operations. The major factor that enables farmers to run horticulture in the United States includes having the right knowledge on how to grow the horticultural products. That includes understanding the irrigation and nutritional requirements, and having the right communication skills of handling people (Bertelson, 1993). One needs to access and build networks with the people that they intent to engage in with business.

Conducting horticultural business in the United States requires that; the United States in exporting their products to the European market, enjoy a tariff of three percent (Midmore, 2015). Therefore, traders need to check various rules that apply on the specific products imported to the European market from the United States. That resulted from the fact that different products require specific licenses to ensure that their products sale within the market (Helbling, 1996). Farmers continue to face stiff competition from other farmers producing almost the same products and supplying the same at cheaper and affordable prices to their clients.

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The cooperatives stores that exist in the United States, specialty food stores and other farmers in the market continue to bring stiff competition in the manner in which the farmers conduct their business and ensure their success (Midmore, 2015). Setting up the market for horticultural products would prove difficult when poorly arranged but with good and proper planning horticultural business thrives and earns profits to the farmers.

  • Bertelson, E. (1993). Budgetary and ecomonic analysis of the North American free trade agreement. Place of publication not identified: Diane Pub Co.
  • Cch Tax Law. (2007). U.S. Master Depreciation Guide 2008. Cch Inc.
  • Helbling, R. (1996). Family farming without state intervention: Economic factors underlying the prevalence of family farming – theoretical analysis and case study of New Zealand. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH.
  • Midmore, D. J. (2015). Principles of tropical horticulture. Wallingford: CABI.

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