
Promotion: Social Media, Branding, and Marketing Communication

700 words | 3 page(s)

#1. The first video (McCarthy, 2013c) is an overview of marketing communications. Dr. McCarthy introduced the broad perspective on marketing, which is that it is many things, including strategic goals and context. The marketing communications framework includes its definition, which is the means by which an organization attempts to inform and persuade its customers about its products and services. The framework includes 6 steps to develop strategy: Determine target audience, set communication objectives, develop message, pick communication channel(s), determine frequency, operate within budget. He focuses on the 3 key steps, steps 2, 3 and 4 above.

To determine the communication objectives, he uses the AIDA model, which has four goals, attention, interest, desire, action. Lets customers know we’re available, sparks interest given customer needs, give details so they want the product or service, convince them that there is no better time than right now to buy. Choosing message: Target customer has a problem to solve, job s/he wants done. Determining positioning, differentiation, value proposition will pay off.

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Tools that are best fit: Ads, direct such as emails or catalogs, sales force, social media, events, word of mouth. Usually need more than one tool and must integrate.

How it fits together: Objectives, messages, tools.

#2. The next video (McCarthy, 2013a) focuses on the branding fraction of the broad marketing perspective. A brand is identity, promises and experiences. This is a symbol to give the product a unique identity. It should promise to consistently deliver certain promises to consumer – brand DNA should be unchanging through all of the experiences that the customer has with that brand. Brand elements are building blocks of identity. Visual representation, logo, name recognizable anywhere in the world. Brand mark is more than name and logo – specific shape, color, includes logo and brand name, carefully selected size/font. Loyal customers love brand elements! If change, may receive a lot of criticism! Successful brand promises benefits, delivers positive brand experiences, keeps its promises, develops brand loyalty. Brand is what it does. The benefits ladder tool may help – bottom rung is product/features, then functional benefits, at the top are emotional benefits.

Strategy: Overall plan for using new and existing brands. House of brands versus branded house strategy. Co-branding – Intel/Windows; Nike/iPod personal training system. Private branding – retailer introduces its own branded products. High brand equity – fast communication, launch extensions, pricing power even against competition. Strategies maximize brand value.

#3. The final video focuses on social media, earned media, and word of mouth as valuable tools to reach strategic goals (McCarthy, 2013b). This is part of the promotion of products and services, part of the 4 P’s. Promotion is an attempt to inform and persuade customers and potential customers.

Earned vs. paid media: Paid media is communication you pay for. Earned is more a PR function – you don’t directly pay – traditional coverage by established media, such as a newspaper; or newer coverage by positive word of mouth spread over social media. Word of mouth – use social networks to communicate marketing messages. Done correctly, customers voluntarily pass your message along. Face to face, emailed, or via Internet/social platform. Top 3 trusted ways to advertise are word of mouth, consumer opinions, editorial content. A high-impact recommendation is up to 50 times more likely than an ad to trigger a purchase! Social media, from a marketing perspective, is a two-way online communication tool that provides companies and customers with information and connection. Consumers seek ways to share, connect to brand community, seek information about products, and opportunity to give feedback.

To spread brand message: Create and post content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share. Leverage word of mouth, earned media, and online social communities. If done correctly, can be very powerful part of integrated plan. Guidelines: Allow and expect two-way communication. Provide valuable content, refreshed frequently. Embrace customers talking back. Pick platforms that fit your brand and target customer. AND social media is one of many tools.

  • McCarthy, B.K. (2013a). Marketing: Brands and Branding [YouTube Video]. Available at https://www.youtube.com/
  • McCarthy, B.K. (2013b). Marketing: Social Media and Marketing Communications [YouTube Video]. Available at https://www.youtube.com/
  • McCarthy, B.K. (2013c). Overview of Marketing Communications [YouTube Video]. Available at https://www.youtube.com/

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