Trouble is brewing at Boone AFB were the new chief of staff (Marylyn James) is facing a severe crisis. At the center of contention are two, also new, members of team whose legitimacy at the institution is under question. An expansion of the facility meant an increased capacity to hold activities. The development also translated into a need to hire more employees. Advertisements for two position that leads to appointments of two persons takes place. However, during operation,
Tyson (a manager) hears from a peer that it is possible for her to split one position into two shifts and still be able to make the employees in question work the desired thirty-five hours a week. She (Tyson) goes ahead to seek advice from the human resource head (Smith) who advises her that her idea would work just fine. Implementation of her concept sees two new members of staff continue working in shifts created from one of the two posts available. The other position stays vacant awaiting total completion of the expansion project for interested persons to be invited to apply.
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"Proper Workforce Procurement".
Later on, Smith discovers that he had misadvised Tyson. While she could split the position as a manager, it was not within the provisions of the law to have employees under shifts working for more than twenty hours a week. Tyson got furious and told Smith that if that was the case, he sees not the need to have employees who operate on shift. Smith suggests a solution to the problem as doing away with the shifts and having each employee occupy the posts that exist. His suggestion is applied.
The vacant position to be filled upon completion of the expansion project was now nonexistent. Two weeks later, an individual interested in the job confronts James with an informal grievance, he is demanding for a repeat advertisement of the position to give all interested persons equal chance to participate. Consequently, the labor union leader has called James, Tyson, Smith, the two employees in question (Delgado and Jackson) as well as the aggrieved individual to try to strike out an agreement through the simple level of the grievance process.
According to Kumari, a good management would follow the laid down procedure of workforce procurement to avoid putting the name of an organization in jeopardy. Did the administration of Boone AFB follow the due process to the later in workforce procurement? If no, where do you think there were deviations in the process?
Lerbinger postulates that a good manager steps up to the challenge and restores an organization back to normalcy on the face of crises. Managers should apply leadership skills to bring about changes that a group may need. If you were Marylyn James, what steps would you have taken to redeem the situation? Would you still entrust corrective tasks to members of staff who you feel erred in their responsibilities?
Sauter observes that managers need to be ever sober when making a decision, he also adds that they should not rush since its fodder for erring. Do you think it was right for Smith to apply fixes to problems without having to think about their broader impact? Can it be said that Smith is the primary cause of the crisis facing the institution because he acts then thinks later?
Twomey, talks about the due procedure in workforce procurement and the rights individuals interested in advertised positions is entitled. Do you think the aggrieved individual was to ask for the posts to be re-opened and advertised? If you were the individual, how best would you articulate your concerns at the meeting convened?