
Purchasing Management

609 words | 3 page(s)

Purchasing is an important element in any professional environment and thus needs to be handled in a more competent with some much professionalism. Purchase personnel should, therefore, be someone with much knowledge and information about purchasing and its importance in any organization. Before making any purchase, some considerations needs to be done so as to make the purchase of the most important and vital things that are most important and economical to the organization for its prosperity as well as its operations (Hofmann, 2012, p 343). Purchase includes procuring the raw materials, supplies, as well as services in an organization.

Before making any purchase, there are the most important things that one needs to put in mind. One needs to understand the business requirements before making the purchase. Understanding business requirements will help the purchasing department know the particular things to be bought and the most important things which should be prioritized most. One should also make the purchase of products and services at the right prices. This will help in saving on the unnecessary expenditure. Purchase should be done when prices are low unless otherwise. One should also make the purchase from the right source to avoid purchasing of inferior quality products. One should also make the purchase at the correct specifications that will be able to meet the user’s needs and at the right quantity.

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For the most efficient procurement process, there are key points to be followed. The most important is to identify the opportunities where the procurement teams can pass some value. The purchasing needs to go through the right procurement procedure, and it should be done most appropriately. Another key thing is to manage its internal operations more efficiently and effectively. This includes proper management of the procurement staff, developing and having a maintained policy and process of purchasing, defining some of the procurement strategies and the structures to be used among others.

Example of the elements of the profession that needs to be met by purchasing is accreditation. The purchases should be accredited by some professionals so as to determine their importance to the organization. Accreditation of purchases helps the organization to make the most appropriate purchases for the organization (Hofmann, 2012, p 182). Such practice will also assist the organization as well as the procurement to be done in the most professional way.

Purchasing also needs to be certified. Certification is also an important element of the profession that needs to be met by any purchases made in an organization. All the purchases needs to be also certified by the professions so as to be the most appropriate and also the most important ones in the organization. Certifying includes licensing of such purchases. This is more relevant for the case of purchasing of some of the complex materials that need to be handled in a professional way.

Some code of ethics needs also to be met when making any purchase. Code of ethics is also an important element of the profession that needs to be met by any procurement process. Each professional has a code of ethics that ensures that the practitioners carry out themselves in the most appropriate way (Hofmann, 2012, p 395). It stipulates what should be done by the practitioners. Purchasing team needs also to have some code of ethics that explains the manner in which such purchases should be done.

Furthermore, purchasing meets the elements of professions in the manner in which it is done. Purchasing is done by particular group of individuals in the organization mainly the procurement team. By the virtue of being done by a particular group of persons, it means that such purchasing has met the elements of the profession.

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