
Argument About Global Village (Globalization)

527 words | 2 page(s)

Global village (globalization) has been a contentious issues for the last decade. It the continuous development phenomenon that has been going on for the last three decades. Contemporary researchers and scholars have been debating on whether globalization is more advantageous or disadvantageous. According to Bauman (1998), the modernized information technologies infrastructures and technologies such as the internet, have enabled the integration of many countries into a single global platform. Information technology and the internet in particular has been the driving force behind globalization. The internet has enabled people from distant and diverse cultural backgrounds to share and exchange ideas on an integrated platform. According to (), globalization is prophesized to increase. It is now a continuing forceful process that appears less likely to be reversed. The essay is about the global village; “The Advantages of Globalization Are or Are Not Greater Than the Disadvantages”.

Ritzer (2010) defines globalization as a process of integration and interaction involving people from different nations, companies or communities driven by exchange and sharing of ideas. Globalization has breached traditional cultural barriers and has brought border and divisions near. The advancement of information technology has virtually made everything available everywhere and to anyone across the globe. The use of the internet has given rise to ethnic enclaves residing on an integrated common platform. This has given rise to a form of cosmopolitanism. Through the use of the internet, new relationships have been forged among people from distant geographical locations and cultural backgrounds. Globalization has enabled scholars and researchers from diverse background to use the internet platform to share and exchange ideas. Globalization has enabled homogenization people from a particular nation with the would-be refugees from another country. The present society is witnessing mass migration of people to and from different parts of the world. As a result, new cultures will be born, and a common communication language might arise (Robertson, 2000).

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However, not everyone is happy with the concept of globalization. New contentious questions are emerging about the globalization. Some of the contemporary social researchers argue that globalization tends to favor the rich at the expense of the poor. Globalization will widen the gap between the poor and rich. Less Developed Countries (LCD) will not be able to enjoy the benefits of globalization. It is believed that globalization will result in inequality. Developed countries will take advantage of globalization to enforce their power, ideologies and wealth on less developed nations. Those against globalization argue that, it will intrude their local culture and traditions. People will feel their traditional values, and cultural practices threatened.

In a nutshell, despite that some people oppose the idea of globalization, social researchers argue that, it is an unstoppable force that will never end anytime soon (Scholte 2005). The advancement of telecommunications technologies, globalization will continue spreading and growing fast in the next decade. Globalization has already enhanced our communication and interaction trends. It is expected that, many countries will embrace globalization.

  • Bauman, Z. (1998). Globalization: The human consequences. Columbia University Press.
  • Ritzer, G. (2010). Globalization: A basic text. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Robertson, R. (2000). Globalization: Social theory and global culture. London: Sage publications
  • Scholte, J., A. (2005). Globalization: A Critical introduction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

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