
Reading and Education

339 words | 2 page(s)

Response One
Reading is one of the most powerful tools used in the acquisition of proficiency in the education acquisition process. Therefore, education I very important at any level of education because the major aim of the education is to have the required information so as to increase the knowledge base. Therefore, the reading process can assist in getting the required information from the books and other sources so as to promote the level for knowledge for the leaners. An increase in the level of knowledge is a key motivating factors towards the progression of an individual from one level to another to the most sophisticated levels.

Response Two
Lack of education that includes reading would have been very detrimental to the slave. This is because it would hinder the learning process for various aspects of his life. An important part of getting sufficient knowledge on the learning process is through having a wide knowledge base. The ability to read assist an individual to explore a wide range of literature that increase the base of knowledge. Having a wide base of knowledge increases the skills and knowledge that are important towards he decisions making process and his increase the quality of the judgments that are acquired. Therefore, the knowledge also assists the salve to have information about the wellbeing and life of other people and this gives an opportunity for strategic comparison between the lives which is important towards wellbeing evaluation and assessment.

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Response Three
Lack of education can affect an individual’s sense of self. For instance, suing the example of the narrator, Fredrick Douglass, reading assisted him to have a different perspective of life because it enhanced his insight towards the view if various entities of life. As a result, this changed his personality and improve his self-esteem. Therefore, education can enhance the quality of life of an individual through the improvement of self-esteem that can lead to a wide view of self because of the strategic comparisons that are made with the lives of other people.

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