
Reality of PE in Schoolchildren with Asthma And Diabetes

530 words | 2 page(s)

Physical activity is important to all children, but especially children who suffer from asthma and diabetes. Children who participate in physical activity learn to develop their self-image. Being active gives a child confidence and health. It also teaches them to practice good health and fitness habits when they get older. When a child has these diseases, their quality of life is lessened. Physical activity can help these children recover their health by helping them get fit. Exercises like running and swimming can improve a child’s fitness and decrease how severe their asthma or diabetes symptoms are.

For children with controlled asthma and diabetes, exercising everyday can improve how much exercise they can tolerate. Physical activity can also help children lower their insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels. The problem is that many PE teachers don’t know how to handle children with diabetes and asthma so many children don’t get to improve their health during PE class. Preparing PE teachers to understand how to work with children with asthma and diabetes is very, very important for the children’s safety and overall health.

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Unfortunately, there has been a huge rise in diabetes mellitus in today’s youth because children aren’t as physically active anymore. If children aren’t physically active everyday, they may be at risk for lower academic performance and more school absences. Because there are more children who suffer from these diseases today, it’s very important that PE teachers know how to act if children with asthma and diabetes have an emergency during their class. It’s also very important that PE teachers are properly prepared to work with children who have asthma and diabetes. A study was held to see how prepared Chilean, PE teachers were when dealing with children who have diseases. 54 Chilean, PE teachers participated in a field study that tested their preparation when dealing with children who have asthma and diabetes. The PE teachers answered questions about management, information and methodologies for physical activity for children with asthma and diabetes. The survey was called the “International Survey of Situation of PE in School.”

The results found were pretty crazy. While 100% of the teachers had knowledge of what an asthma attack or a diabetes decomposition was, only 11% of teachers knew how to deal with a diabetic crisis (hypoglycemia, fatigue, dizziness or a diabetic coma). The PE teachers surveyed had some knowledge of the symptoms of asthma and diabetes.79% of teachers knew the symptoms but only 55% of teachers knew the difference between Mellitus type 1 and type 2. When it came to student management, 79% of teachers didn’t know if the school had prevention polices for children with diabetes and asthma when having a crisis during sports. These results are not very good for the children or the teachers.

To keep children in school safe, schools need to train their PE teachers on how to take proper action when a student is suffering from an asthma or diabetes crisis. Teachers also need to understand the difference between children diagnosed with a disease and children diagnosed with laziness. Lastly, treating health as a real issue in schools is important to prevent cardiovascular diseases in children.

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