
Managing a Multiculturalism Primary School Class

1008 words | 4 page(s)

Aim of the Research
The research will be aimed towards finding out the best practices that can be adopted by teachers working in multiculturalism primary schools. The focus will basically be on primary schools.

Research Questions
The main questions that the research will seek answers for include:
a. How can a teacher make learning more effective in a multiculturalism class?
b. What are some of the challenges that may be experienced in the course of managing such classes?
c. Are there possible recommendations that can be provide so as to work out on the challenges that can be identified?

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Literature Review
In a case where teachers have to cope with the aspect of cultural diversity in the classrooms, there are multiple challenges that set in. Primary schools with children from different cultures have been faced with numerous challenges. It specifically starts with the curriculum that is to be used in these schools. Developing a common curriculum that fits all the pupils in the classroom may be challenging.

Cultural differences are an influence that teachers must train enough to manage so as to create an effective learning environment for all the pupils (Yusof, 2011, p. 03). It takes more than talent and skill to identify such differences in a class of primary school pupils. This makes it necessary for the teacher to be in close relationship with each student to be in position to point out the influence that such cultural shifts have on the learning of the each student.

Taking a case where a student may have to be disciplined for making some mistake, the approach that is given by the teacher is critical. There are moves that may directly abuse the cultural beliefs of specific children. It is at such a point that the relationship between the teacher and the pupil may be wrecked for the rest of the child’s learning life in such an institution.

Different learning styles need to be adopted to cater for the capabilities of these diverse cultures. With culture comes varying rates of understanding. A primary school teacher handling a multiculturalism class should be able to apply different approaches such as lecture, demonstration, brainstorming, regular assessments and group discussion (De Gaetano et al, 2009, p. 91). The groups or working teams need to be formed to allow free interaction of multiple cultures within the classroom.

Language choice is another important aspect that has to be taken into account in dealing with cultural diversity in a classroom. With such differences come wide language barriers. If, for example, English is selected to be the formal language to be used in such set-ups, the technicality of such a language would play an important role in determining the students’ level of understanding.

In such a case, therefore, simple language needs to be used in the course of delivering curriculum content. Technical terms and phrases have to be simplified to a level that all the members of the classroom are familiar and comfortable with. The assessment criteria should go by all the interests of the students. That is to say, the examinations should be standardized to meet the capabilities of all the members of such a class.

The teacher that is placed in charge of each classroom should be in a position to acquire sufficient data about each of the pupils. For instance, the family can be a rich source of data relating to each pupil (Arends, 2012, p. 47). Constant and regular consultation with the families of such pupils to get a better understanding on the social and cultural backgrounds will help in managing the class better.

Research Methodology and Design
The research will be based on random sampling of the target populations. This will imply that classrooms will be selected at random, both multicultural and homogeneous. Data will be collected mainly from the class teachers by the means of questionnaires, a sample of which is in the appendix sectoin. Having done this, the data that is collected will be tabulated.

The data that the research seeks to collect is quantitative. A comparative analysis between data collected from multicultural classrooms will be meant to identify the differences that exist in the case of either learning environments. A research report will be developed based on the analysis of the facts that will have been identified in the research.

The research will go by the outline indicated below.
i. Target population identification
ii. Sampling
iii. Data Collection
iv. Data Analysis
v. Presentation of the research findings in a comprehensive report.

Ethics Checklist
Section I: Applicant Details
Name of the Researcher
Phone Number
Email Address

Section II: Project Details
Project Title Managing a Multicultural Primary School Class
Section III: For Student’s only

Name of Institution
Teacher/ Instructor’s Name
Contact Details

Section IV: Checklist

Has the research been approved by the relevant authorities?

Will the respondents be given any financial benefits?

Are there any measures that have been put in place for security issues?

Has a comprehensive time plan and budget been drawn to help manage the entire research process?

As a matter of privacy and confidentiality, will the respondents be assured of privacy regarding the information that they are likely to disclose during the data collection exercise?

Are there any plans that have been put in place to deal with issues such as biasness on the part of the respondents in giving out information to the researchers?

In the event of complaints from the respondents regarding sensitive issues, are there initiatives that have been put in place to address such complaints?

  • Arends, A. M 2012, The Challenges of Effective Management of a Multicultural Teaching Environment in Guateng Primary Schools, Institute of Educational Researchers, New York, viewed 16 October 2014, http://uir.unisa.ac.za/bitstream/handle/1050/7043/dissertation_arends_am.pdf?sequence=1
  • De Gaetano, Y., Williams, L. R., & Volk, D. (2009). Kaleidoscope: a multicultural approach for the primary school classroom. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Merrill.
  • Yusof, N. M 2011, Multicultural Education: Managing Diversity in Malaysian Schools, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, viewed 16 October 2014, http://web.usm.my/education/MEDC/Vol2/7.%20MULTICULTURAL%20EDUCATION.pdf

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