
Reasons Students Choose to be Engineers

690 words | 3 page(s)

One significant milestone in any young person’s life is the ability to choose how they would spend their professional life. Although other people have always examined engineering as a tough course, there are several reasons that make students want to become engineers. Some of them include financial stability, societal mindset, intellectual development and flexibility. This essay examines the causes and reasons that make students want to become engineers.

The first reason that makes many students want to become engineers is money. Although money tends to be the top reason as to why anyone would study a given course, engineers are among the top paid people globally. Students have also had the mentality that if they want a well-paying career, engineering is the best way to go. Since money is important in the world, considering the tough economic times, every student would want to study a course like engineering because they would be assured of a well-paying job after graduation. Data from the BLS (bureau of labour Statistics) in the United States reveals that engineering is among the high-paying careers even in the U.S (Katehi, Pearson and Feder 27). Therefore, money is a factor that has lured many students to study the course.

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Other than money, many students also choose to study engineering because a large selection of engineering courses enhances career flexibility. Any student who chooses to study an engineering program is normally in a position to enter other branches of engineering without difficulty. In most schools, students are required to complete the general first-year curriculum before they proceed to an engineering specialty. This enables students to evaluate and firm up their engineering interests. In today’s world, everyone wants choice. Engineering gives students many choices. They include electrical, mechanical, civil engineering and many others. Despite the wide variety, all the engineering courses tend to be exciting, and they are all on high demand. Pursuing a degree in engineering also opens the road to flexible education. Therefore, engineering is a great career that opens paths for the future (Olson 65). Other than being an exciting career, most engineers are known to achieve great things. Most engineers have made significant contributions to their countries and communities by developing machines and other countless things that improve life. The diversity of engineering reveals that despite a person’s interest, there is a place for everyone in this career. Other than pursuing other courses, engineers can also become entrepreneurs. Most students choose to become engineers because with their knowledge they can open up their businesses. This means that engineering exposes a person to other businesses, making a person become familiar with other courses like marketing and finance.

Thirdly, most students choose to be engineers because of intellectual development. Engineering not only enhances growth, but it also enables students to develop their ways of thinking. For students to become engineers, they are required to work on other transferable skills such as critical reasoning and problem-solving (Walesh 21). Although engineering is challenging, engineers are known to work in professional environments, which presents them with an opportunity to grow and learn. They go through formal training, which exposes them to current technologies.

In summary, everyone desires a good challenge because life would be boring without challenges. Engineering presents a challenge to students during their studies and careers. This is because engineers are normally faced with problems that require creativity and logical, analytical skills. Becoming an engineer helps a person know how the world operates. Although a person may deal with issues such as nuclear reactors or alternative energy sources, engineering may later expose them to other fields such as the technologies that cause cancer. Therefore, students may want to become engineers because of the interconnectedness it depicts with other sciences and research.

  • Katehi, Linda, Greg Pearson, and Michael A. Feder.�Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects. Washington, D.C.: National Academies, 2009. Print.
  • Olson, Steve.�Educating Engineers: Preparing 21st Century Leaders in the Context of New Modes of Learning: Summary of a Forum. N.p.: National Academy of Engineering, 2013. Print.
  • Walesh, Stuart.�Engineering Your Future: The Professional Practice of Engineering. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Internet resource.

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