
Reducing the Cost of a College Education

844 words | 3 page(s)

With college costs now reaching into the tens of thousands of dollars, many wonder if their dream of attending college is still achievable. While a combination of financial aid and student loans was once a viable option for families, the overall cost of a college education versus the long term career payout must now be closely examined. The inflated costs of college also affect those individuals looking to balance career advancement with supporting their families. Having the Department of Education restrict the costs of a college education is one way this growing problem could be addressed.

One reason that the Department of Education should restrict the cost of obtaining a college education is economical in nature. If our country is to maintain a competitive edge over our rivals, we must ensure that educational opportunities are available to our brightest students. These opportunities should be based on personal aptitude and motivation versus financial status. Many times, high level positions in the fields of science, technology, and medicine are filled using international candidates due to the lack of qualified American candidates.

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Limiting the cost of a college education is critical in terms of providing options to promising students. A student with the aptitude for a successful career in chemical engineering should be able to attend a program that matches his or her intellect and interests, not only his or her ability to pay the bill. This also ensures that the talent within our own country is utilized instead of squandered. Students with scholarly aptitude, particularly in key competitive areas, should not have to settle on subpar programming due to financial constraints.

Closing the socioeconomic gap within our country is another reason to limit the cost of attending college. For many, a college education is not even considered a possibility due to the financial burden. Students with the academic capabilities to handle college level coursework are often never afforded the chance. Instead, they are often forced to perpetuate the cycle of poverty in which they were raised. They are unable to break their families out of the socioeconomic status that they have been labeled with. As adults, they are forced to settle for menial jobs due to their lack of education, despite their cognitive potential and work ethic.

Restricting the costs of a college education would also force institutions of higher learning to reexamine their purpose. Unfortunately, many colleges and universities have lost focus on the reason for existence. Instead of focusing on the education and customer service that is provided to students and their families, they too often are fixated on profits. Limiting the costs of college would shift the focus from serving the faculty, alumni, and university constituents back to serving students and their families. Institutions of higher learning would put more effort into recruiting talented students from all areas of life rather than just those students that are able to pay.

Making a college education more affordable through the Department of Education’s limiting of costs would also aid our society as a whole. Reasonable college costs would encourage a greater variety of individuals to pursue higher education. In turn, this would help create a diverse and dynamic workforce. Individuals would be entering the workforce with both a college education and background experience that may be more varied than a typical college graduate. Individuals with a college education could more readily transition and adapt to career changes as the economy shifts, versus being pigeonholed into one position due to a lack of education.

Limiting the cost of a college education would also assist in the advancement of society as a whole. More people with access to affordable education means more educated individuals within our society. This will result in continuous developments in fields such as science, medicine, and technology. It will allow the arts and theater to flourish. A highly educated society would hopefully produce a multitude of individuals who could serve as leaders, working to better both local and national communities.

Creating affordable education opportunities could also create more easily traveled avenues for adults looking to improve upon their current career or switch to a new career. While some employers are willing to reimburse employees for furthering their education, many of the costs of continuing education come out of the pocket of the employees themselves. This limits career advancement potential, as employees do not have the necessary financial means to advance their education. This potentially leaves employees stuck in dead end positions, despite having the intellectual potential to progress further through the ranks of the company.

In conclusion, the rising costs of obtaining a college education continue to affect both individual families and society as whole. Many have been forced to view attending college as an unattainable goal, despite having the intellect and motivation to complete high level academic coursework. The Department of Education should step in to limit the rising costs associated with a college education. This would assist individuals looking to improve their current personal situations, as well as society as a whole by providing a more educated workforce and population.

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