
Research Essay Plan: Aspects of Characterization and Narrative Voice

607 words | 3 page(s)

How do the selected stories utilize the aspects of characterization and narrative voice to achieve their effects?

Many short stories are widely known, though it takes a truly well written short story to capture the attention of the populace decades after it was initially written. In order to accomplish such a feat, it takes not only a careful attention to detail on the part of the author, but the use of certain literary techniques. Certain short stories, including Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants,” and Angela Carter’s “The Werewolf,” opt to utilize aspects of characterization and narrative voice to achieve their effects; a review of these short stories will serve to indicate where these techniques are used and how they have served to enhance the stories themselves, making them accessible generation after generation.

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Main Points
The following main points will be covered in the completed research essay:
• An explanation of the term characterization and how it may be applied to each of the three different short stories that have been selected.
• An explanation of the term narrative voice and how it may be applied to each of the three different short stories that have been selected.
• A comparison of how each of these terms is used in the three different stories selected.
• Information regarding the reason that the application of these terms within the short stories has served as a means of enhancing the stories themselves and furthering their presence within the collective consciousness.

• In order to develop the first main point of the essay, it will be necessary to define and describe the term “characterization.” The definition of characterization that will be utilized is: “a literary device that is used…to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story.” Two different modes of characterization will be discussed; the “direct definition and (the) depiction of the character’s deeds, speech, appearance and environment.” Once this information has been presented, the essay will focus on identifying the different locations in which characterization is present within the three short stories previously identified.
• The second main point will offer a clear definition of the term “narrative voice.” The definition that has been selected is: “the attitude, personality or character of the narrator as it is revealed through dialogue or descriptive and narrative commentary.” Following an explanation of this term, its definition, and how it may be found through analysis of the stories, the narrative voice used in each of the three stories will be discussed.
• A comparison will be made indicating the similarities between the applications of those techniques within the stories to elaborate on the third main point.
• For the fourth main point, a brief dissection of each of the comparisons offered up in the previous point will serve as a means of identifying how the application of these literary devices served as a means of enhancing the stories themselves, thereby allowing them to remain within the collective consciousness and retain their relevancy in today’s day and age.

In addition to the previous references indicated, the following primary sources will be utilized:
• “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
• “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway
• “The Werewolf” by Angela Carter
The complete reference list may be found at the end of this essay plan.

The introduction will consist of 5% of the total word count. Main points 1 and 2 will be 20% of the total word count each, for a total of 40%. Main points 3 and 4 will be 25% of the total word count each, for a total of 50%. The conclusion will consist of 5% of the total word count.

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