
Research Proposal: Analyzing Aviation Cyber Security

656 words | 3 page(s)

Statement of The Project

One of the industries in which the integration of technology into systems of operations has become extensive over the time is the aviation sector. The use of technology has increased efficiency and effectiveness in resource utilization through enhancing operations. While the benefits of technology in aviation are vast, some challenges arise given that dynamic nature of technology which creates opportunities for computer crime and abuse. This proposal will analyse some of the aviation cybersecurity issues relating to hacking, errors of connection in infrastructure systems and out of date systems and how they contribute to information system insecurity in the aviation industry. In addition to analysing the stated issues challenges of technology-based systems, the proposal will also discuss possible solutions that can be implemented to enhance cybersecurity in aviation. The paper will evaluate some of the existing literature on the topic of the research proposal and present facts and data relevant to meeting the purpose outlined.

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The use of technology in the current economic and business environment has become essential for the survival of enterprises. Computer-based systems of operations provide fast and remote access to data and information relevant for decision making, fast communication and an organized means to maintaining operational data among other benefits. There are however increasing concerns regarding the safety of data and information with the use of technology in the aviation sector given the increase in reported cases of cybercrime across the globe. According to Gopalakrishnan, Govindarasu, Jacobson, & Phares (2013), cybersecurity refers to Security measures designed to protect Internet-based hardware and software systems from unauthorized access and cyber-attacks.

Threats to aviation system security are numerous and can be in the form of hacking, sabotage, viruses in the way of malicious software programs among others. Although most of the reported cases of cybercrime in the aviation industry are beyond the control of the industry players, there are some that occur due to poor security controls. Another contributing factor to cyber-attacks as explained by Gopalakrishnan et al. (2013), is the use of outdated information systems and poor connection between existing modes of operation which allows a window for unauthorized access. Several measures have been implemented by participants in the aviation industry to enhance the security of their systems; however, their effectiveness in mitigating against cyber-attacks has so far not proven fruitful. There is the need to change perspectives regarding aviation system security.

Program Outcomes to be Addressed
The Challenge
The amount of existing literature on the topic of cybersecurity and cyber-attacks is vast. Several authors have explored the issue of cybersecurity in the aviation industry with most focusing on the effects of cyber-attacks on productivity and credibility of aviation organizations. Existing literature will provide a basis upon which the research gap is identified and a framework to assess data gathered to meet the objectives and purpose of the research. The focus will be placed on cybersecurity concerns of the use of electronic devices to hack aviation systems, the use of outdated information systems and connection errors amongst existing systems.


The increase in the number of cyber-attack cases reported in the aviation sector is increasing according to Strohmeier, Schäfer, Smith, Lenders, & Martinovic (2016).
Several measures have been proposed to help aviation stakeholders address some of the cybersecurity challenges mentioned. This paper will recommend new standards such as; optimization of existing security systems, modification of aviation system infrastructure, and implementation of backup systems all directed towards mitigating cyber-attacks and preventing flight failure in the aviation sector. The proposed resolution measures seek to provide a new approach to addressing cybersecurity concerns without overlooking the effectiveness of existing measures in place.

  • Gopalakrishnan, K., Govindarasu, M., Jacobson, D. W., & Phares, B. M. (2013). Cyber security for airports. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 3(4), 365-376.
  • Strohmeier, M., Schäfer, M., Smith, M., Lenders, V., & Martinovic, I. (2016). Assessing the impact of aviation security on cyber power. In Cyber Conflict (CyCon), 2016 8th International Conference on (pp. 223-241). IEEE.

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