
Rhetorical Ploys in Argumentation

341 words | 2 page(s)

The presentation of argumentative pieces is a very complex endeavor that requires an individual to use various strategies to deliver a message effectively. The use of rhetorical ploys is one of the most realistic way used to ensure a person delivers the required message with accuracy and precision. The rhetorical ploys assist in tapping specific feelings that are essential towards influencing opinion and behavior. The type of ploys used depends on the type of the target recipient of the message and the ultimate intention for the message. The rhetorical ploys can also be engineered to obfuscate the meaning of arguments.

Appeals to feelings are one of the ploys that can be used to complicate an argument. Through this ploy, the user can initiate an appeal to some desires and feeling that do not directly represent the message being presented. Some of the appeals to feeling that can be used by an individual can include fear, compassion, guilt and pity. In this context, the users can apply some scare tactics in the presentations that are not genuine representation of the real feeling. This tactic mystifies an argument, and the user can eventually achieve his goals for a presentation. The degree of effective stimulation of emotions is one of the measures of success in ploy application. For instance, engaging the psychology of recipients through mental appeasement.

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Logical fallacies are some of the ploys that are used to complicate arguments. The users can apply formal and substantive fallacies depending on the type of presentation. One of the fallacies that are commonly used to engage the feelings and psychological setup of the recipient is the use of something that is commonly believed to true by many. Through this, the user can easily confuse the recipients. On the other hand, weak analogies can also be used by the use of unjustified beliefs or ideologies to gain a certain purpose. For example, the user can apply what is likely to please most of the recipients through their baseless beliefs to influence a whole crowd in an argument.

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