
Roles of Markets in Colonial Spanish America

853 words | 3 page(s)

Markets played an essential role in the Colonial Spanish America. Barter trade was among the activities that were taking place most of the time. People used to exchange some products for other, and this played an essential role thus generating market basis. According to the history, the markets developed mostly in the major towns and cities. This also extended to some small communities that were next to the cities and towns, and this was presumed to take care of some essentials like taking care of the population since that was considered as the primary activity. Markets are considered as the places of exchange of some relevant products from the communities. Thus, markets played a role in bringing up different communities together. Pre-Hispanic communities in the Andes and the central valley of Mexico engaged in the trade activities as they participated in the exchange foodstuffs and as well as other useful materials that were present during that period. Most of the transactions that were incorporated during the time were articulated through bartering as it was considered like the primary activity, and this resulted in markets. As the Spaniards exercised control over some of the territories, and that was when, the changes were experienced in the sector of trade and some of the changes were advocated in the use of silver. Some of the products that were mostly exchanged in the market were and gold as they were used more frequently. The paper will focus on the roles of markets in Colonia Spanish America such as uniting the communities that participated in trade.

Spanish was undoubtedly enhanced sense that Aztecs from the Middle America and Andes attained economic and political integration as a basis for trade. This can be said as one of the elements that set the link and arising of several individuals on the imperialist exactions . The increasingly fast civilization, as well as the Indian civilization, resulted in the economies collapse that was characterized as the struggles of the Dark Age which influenced the issue of markets in the region. With the productive resources from some areas in America that participated in Agriculture opened the markets for their products. There was no currency during this period, and that made them engage in exchange some of the agriculture products beside gold and silver which was also present in other regions. It is noted that the central highlands of Mexico were considered as the site for civilization from the time of Teotihuacan. The cities had their beliefs and customs that guided them in their various transactions in the area which created the Alliance for royal lineage for Mexico . They established the nature of trade that was based on the cities and some towns, as well as the neighboring city-state of Culhuacan. In addition, the basis of Aztec domination was categorized as the levying of tribute that was advocated in terms of goods, as well as labor and this maintained hegemony and that, is how markets developed.

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Spain’s economy was considered as the thirteenth largest globally and matches up with the economies presumed from Germany and France. Thus, the businesses that were conducted in Spain increased going into insignificant recession. This aspect went along with some of the European countries. In that perspective, Spanish government put an effort in creating some organizations that helped to support their economy by stimulus expenditure, loan guarantees, and the expansion of unemployment benefits. This intrusion was presumed from coming together and worked as a group that was united aiming at something crucial. Thus, it is evidence that markets played an essential role in America at large.

The Spanish Empire started to colonize what would be identified as the Americas. It sought to develop the valuable resources anticipated in the New World and often through force as per the class of laborers. Europe was classified to have a small number of wealthy in the Spanish settlers that emerged from the dominated the lives of the other class that was involved in the businesses arena. The Indians who sought to prompt the African workers eventually was regarded as part of an economic system . The same system Spain joined to govern trading areas and monitoring the local businesses that were inclusive in the society. However, some of the fields in the community transferred Indians from participating in an inferior state that was previously dominated one of slavery.

The primary assumption that was involved with the trade transactions was flowed on the approach that it brought people together. The development of markets resulted from the concept of bartering that was the main activity, and this was mostly transacted in the towns and cities. It later spread to the neighboring communities. The colonization strategy subjugating and plundering the operation of the native people, as well as their societies, was a conversion of military conquest to enact some Spanish colonies. This brought an effect as it employed the colonization strategy used resources such as gold. The markets played an essential role in bringing up the different economies together as they interacted in the markets.

  • Williamson, Edwin. The Penguin History of Latin America. Penguin UK, 2003.

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