
Rules And Regulations Around Exchanging Data

696 words | 3 page(s)

Rules and regulations are being modified regularly to ensure that both the patients and the practitioners are protected. This is based on the fact that medical records are delicate in nature, but sharing them can also help towards better healthcare. The rules and regulations put in place are aligned to requirements by the doctors, who are bound by their profession not to reveal any information to irrelevant parties. The information is shared with peers, allowing the patients to benefit from an environment where practitioners can give them their full attention (Trotter, 2013). February 1, 2018 marks a time when Medicaid providers in North Carolina will be compelled to have joined the information exchange program. Other health care entities are required to have been connected to the system by June 1, 2018, a move that is required before any payments are made.

There are numerous areas that are covered with regards to medical records, some include lab reports. To a larger extent, the system allows synchronization being that a lab technician is not mandated to physically avail results, but rather share it online, allowing surgeons and even clinicians to access the information. Other medical information available in the system include past health records. This can include medication and even complications experienced in the past. Today, the system is being improved to a point where information is almost updated within minutes. Notably, practitioners can work with the emergency room staff, and even different departments to ensure that time is saved and errors are reduced while taking care of the patients who dearly need their undivided attention.

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Information shared using the online platform can vary tremendously, depending on a patient or even institution. One of the main circumstances where information is shared is based around the notion of achieving efficiency and saving time during patient care (Wachter, 2015). This can be when a patient tis being transferred, or even when they show up in a different hospital. The idea of having the medical records, only a click away has been noted to improve on the quality of healthcare provided. Information exchange can also take place among departments, where a surgeon can have a list of allergies and even prior treatment records, information gathered by other staff members and availed on the system. With the steady rise in the use of technology in almost all areas in our lives, the healthcare arena is considered to be among the most progressive in adopting technology that can better save lives.

The kind of information shared using the healthcare system is mostly personal. One of the reasons why personal information can be shared is linked to the fact that only authorized personnel can access the information (Wachter, 2015). In this case, practitioners including doctors can have access to this information. Notably, the information provide is summarized in nature, only providing relevant information. The sharing can be achieved across medical institutions, and progress is underway to make it national.

North Carolina is among the opt-in regions when it comes to exchange of healthcare information. The state has come to identify some of the key benefits of having a workable system, one that promotes better healthcare standards within the state. To a larger extent, since the success of the system, the state has opted to push for other states to join in the movement. This is expected to accommodate patients who move across stateliness. The success of the exchange of information has also proven to be favorable for doctors and even clinicians who tend to move around, from one institution to another.

The exchange of data is a tool that ideally improve on efficiency in the medical field. As much as it has been accepted by numerous institutions, it can also come with its own downsides. Having patient information on a system can increase its chances of falling in the wrong hands. Information exchange centralizes patient information and some people can try to access the same for malicious reasons. This can jeopardize a patient’s privacy. The idea of exchanging information can also reveal too much or too little about a patient, making it inadequate to attend to someone without updating their information, a process that can at times be time consuming.

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