
The Impact on the Development of HSE Regulations

670 words | 3 page(s)

The impact of the development of regulations on the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) helps in the efficient creation of measures that enhance living standards. The scope of the regulation is to adopt policies that keep the environment safe for human habitation and ensure that there is proper generational growth. In the analysis of the paper, the disaster of the Columbia helps to address the need for effective regulation both on the environment and a personal level to help in practical human habitation.

One of the impacts of the safety regulations is to make human beings thrive in an enhanced locality for the effective and more responsive environment (Ghassim, 2018). Through the safety regulation, the fundamental right of life and safe habitation is realized. Evidently, the Space shuttle did not do any good to the human lives after the disaster it caused it caused that resulted in the loss of lives. The disaster not only made it significant for the enactment of effective regulations that safeguard human lives but also paved the way for improved infrastructure. The space shuttle disaster in Columbia provided an avenue for the effective legislation of regulations that helped in the enhanced human survival. Through the legislation of proactive regulations, the ability of humanity to survive and thrive in a comfortable environment is realized. Ultimately, the degree of legislation determines the height with which humanity develops and stabilizes.

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Second to that is the enhancement of the future generational setup through effective prevention of genetic defects that tampers with the molecular structure of humans. Through the enactment of the effective safety regulations, the degree of destruction of the genetic makeup of organisms fails to surface. Nonetheless, the rates at which children are born with genetic defects reduce. Finally, there is effective generational setup, and that paves the way for prospects, growth, and development. The space shuttle disaster in Columbia created harm to the people since along the way the disaster produced emissions that were harmful to the genetic makeup like the emission of radioactive gasses. The impact of safety and regulations is to ensure that parents are safe from harmful environmental emissions that cause body distortion and elevate the degree of shortened lifespan of infants and fetal development (Dunlop et al., 2016). The implication of the disaster is that it made the people vulnerable to the attack of diseases that had genetic origin after the production of the harmful emission. The attacks include the Klinefelter’ syndrome and the Down’s syndrome. Therefore, there is the need for the enforcement of safety regulations that protect the environment from harmful emissions.

Third to the impact is the effective conservation of environment to help prevent the elements of the destruction of both plant and animal life (Cooney, 2016). Through the regulations, the degree of interference with both aquatic and plant life is reduced. Ultimately, the height with which ecology is conserved and preserved is elevated, and the degree of enhanced growth and development of ecosystem is also boosted. The disaster at Columbia released harmful substances like metallic ions and gases that affected both the aquatic and plant life. The emission of gasses dissolved in the rainwater that percolated to the water bodies and killed the aquatic life. Nonetheless, it also dissolved in the rainwater and caused acidic rain that affects plant life. The effective enactment of the regulations helps in the habitual existence of both the plant and animal life.

The discussion on the regulations on the HSE is effective in the conservation of both the environment and the human health that fosters prospects and enhances effective human existence. The Columbia disaster gave way to the adoption of proper safety regulations to safeguard lives both for plants and animals as well as humans. The legislation of the regulations helps in the preservation of human life and help in the prospects of humanity. Therefore, the scope of the regulations helps in the growth and effective development of future human scope through the effective adoption of legislation that is mindful of the lives of humans.

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