
School Supervision and Organizational Theory

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The organization’s purpose is usually influenced by vision and mission of the firm. In most cases, vision and missions of the organization are emphasized and communicated through written form. The framework of the organization is generally communicated through good vision. The statements will answer some questions about the firm and what they value most. Mostly, many organizations have presented their reports through the well-written form of vision. As such, the effectiveness of the organization is fueled by vision. Organization’s goals and objectives basically correspond to the vision. Values in the organization will impact on the effectiveness of vision to achieve requires goals and objectives (Owings, W. A., & Kaplan, L. S. 2012). Values in the organization will either have positive or negative influenced on the effectiveness of the vision. Typically, the organizations’ management aims to serve the all the client equally with the help of vision statement. The following are some impacts of values on the organization’s vision.

Values will typically provide good working grounds which trains its subjects on respecting the client and treating them with dignity. It helps in maintaining a basic relationship between employees and customers in the organization. Diversity in the organization is equally enhanced as an essential component of doing business organization. Values ensure that there are highest standards in the way of doing things, especially in the manufacturing organization. The central objective is to fully satisfy needs of customers at all time (Finegan, J. E. 2000). Vision in the organization incorporates fundamental values required for the success of a serious organization. Additionally, values will always increase gross profit in the company which is the main topic in the vision statements. Importantly, the core principle in the vision statements will helps the organization to have a good influence, especially on the global platforms. Vision is supported by primary values possessed by the employees in the organization.

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The culture and customs of every nation are to be respected to ensure positively advanced in the economic, social and political developments. The values of incorporating community’s activities are embraced in the organization. As a result, there will be mutual integration, and in the long last there will be good results in the business. Values help the organization to ensure safe environments for working and ensuring there is quality life in the organization. Mostly, they provide developed technologies required in the manufacturing of quality products to fulfill the taste of clients at the international level (Sinkula, J. M., Baker, W. E., & Noordewier, T. 1997). Teamwork value in the organization creates some better environments where everyone is trusting and honoring the management system. Creativity is a value that accelerates operations in the organization system. Innovative management is emphasized in the vision thus the organization is assured growth in harmony especially in the global communities. Mutual benefits in the organization results after there are a better vision aligned with the values of partnership in the business organization.

The purpose of an organization is generally displayed in the vision statements. In the effort of maintaining the integrity of the organization, values in the vision statements ensure effective communication in the organization. It is true that a good vision will always save money in the when it is made up of ethical values (Marsick, V. J., & Watkins, K. E. 2003). The market strategies are usually captured in the mission and vision where it targets in the development plan. The inputs of the values in the vision determine the performance of the firm. As such, it would be prudent to incorporate positive values in the vision for a better plan in the organization. Moreover, many organizations emphasize innovation in their vision to help transform normal operations. I believe that values provide a high level of guiding in the success or failure of a company.

  • Finegan, J. E. (2000). The impact of person and organizational values on organizational commitment. Journal of occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73(2), 149-169.
  • Marsick, V. J., & Watkins, K. E. (2003). Demonstrating the value of an organization’s learning culture: the dimensions of the learning organization questionnaire. Advances in developing human resources, 5(2), 132-151
  • Owings, W. A., & Kaplan, L. S. (2012). Leadership and organizational behavior in education: Theory into practice. Pearson.
  • Sinkula, J. M., Baker, W. E., & Noordewier, T. (1997). A framework for market-based organizational learning: Linking values, knowledge, and behavior. Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 25(4), 305-318.

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