
Should US Soldiers be allowed to join Unions?

393 words | 2 page(s)

Unions are known to have supporters and critics. Labor union supporters argue that these unions have a positive impact on America’s economic system and its workers. American workers can benefit from advantages such as good health insurance, life and disability insurance, a conducive and safe working environment, and higher wages. In the U.S., a union worker can earn approximately 25% more every year as compared to non-union workers; this is according to the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. It has a total of 65 labor unions in the US. Unions also cater for pension and retirement plans for the American workers whose proceeds go to the families in case of their demise.

Labor union critics argue that the organizations are too big making them inefficient concerning catering for the needs of the workers. Most have the opinion that the people who run the unions are in for their gain and not because they want to help the workers. This is evident because some labor unions have been under investigation on cases of corruption. The money that was meant for their group members was taken to fund their projects. Sometimes, they have even been known to support cartels, and use the labor unions to conceal their activities. The labor unions lead their members in strikes when their demands are not met. This would not be good for US soldiers who are supposed to be serving and protecting the country. It would disrupt peace anytime strikes happen in the army and enemies such as terrorists would take advantage of such situations.

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Based on the opinions of the supporters and critics of labor unions, US soldiers should be allowed to join unions. The soldiers stand to benefit from insurance covers such as that of life and disability. When they are on the battlefield, they are at high risk of being injured or even maimed. The labor unions would help them cater for medical expenses without draining their families. The soldiers’ families would also stand to benefit in case they lose their loved ones on the battlefield. This is because there will have been a retirement and pension plan for the soldier through which the proceeds are given to the family members. This would give them financial security. However, their unions should be prohibited from organizing for strikes which can harm the country.

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