
Social Impact of Internet Use

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Today’s society is centered more around computer technology than any iteration of our society has been in the past. Individuals within society today are constantly connected to the internet, with places of business offering free internet access and smartphones, tablets, and laptops no longer perceived as luxury items, but rather as commonly owned possessions.

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Thesis Statement
As a result of the increased perceived need of the average society member to always stay connected, an investigation into the social impact of this increased internet usage becomes essential, not only from a psychological or behavioral perspective, but from a technical one as well.

In order to be able to best study the social impact of internet use in today’s society, it has been determined that the ideal approach to the completion of this project is a qualitative research study. In order to obtain the necessary data to accomplish such a task, the method that has been determined to be the most effective in the obtainment of this data is a survey of the relevant population, those individuals who utilize the internet at least once a day for work use, personal use, or both. In order to ensure that the most accurate sample size is selected, it has been determined that there is no other qualifying factor needed to determine eligibility for inclusion within the study, aside from the ability to give informed consent. Individuals of both genders, all races, of all education levels, ranging in age from 18 or older will be offered the ability to participate in the study. Those who do not wish to fill out the informed consent form will not be included in the sample set.

Preliminary Results and Discussion
There two main arguments as to the social impact of internet use on society today; the first faction considers the inclusion of the internet in daily life to be, on the whole, a positive experience while the other faction views the increasing dependence of society on the internet in a negative manner (Pentland, 2014; Kedem, 1999; Temmel, Theuermann, Ukowitz & Vogrin, n.d.; Seattle P.I., 2010; Coles, 2012). Regardless of the faction that the individual identifies with, it is clear that the internet, and its increasing presence in society, has impacted society in a variety of ways. A more sedentary lifestyle, decreased in person social interactions, sleep depravity, moral corruption, an invasion of privacy, and a penchant for instant gratification are just some of the negative impacts associated with internet usage (Cole, 2012). On the other hand, positive impacts include the massive amount of information readily available at the user’s fingertips, the ability to leverage ties to areas that would have previously been impossible, the ability to open discourse with individuals around the globe, an increased speed of communication, and even the ability to increase one’s productivity (Pentland, 2014).

Given just a few of these impacts, it is clear that the internet has had a definite social impact, but what is not clear is what the predominant social impact has been on society as a whole. No study has been able to conclusively state what the dominant impacts of the internet are on society, in spite of the fact that there are many who are willing to offer up their opinion on the subject. It is to this end that this research study hopes to be able to not only provide an answer to this question, but serve as a building block for the manner in which these identified impacts may be leveraged into a more beneficial society.

Work Plan
In order to be able to accomplish the completion of this study, the following tasks have been identified for completion:
Obtaining consent of study participants
Obtaining consent from IRB
Obtaining data from participants
Completion of the literature review
Data analysis
Write up of the study

Time Table
The following time table has been identified for the completion of these tasks:
Week for Completion
Obtaining consent from IRB
Week 1
Obtaining consent from study participants
Weeks 2-3
Obtaining survey data from participants
Weeks 2-3
Completion of literature review
Week 3
Data analysis
Week 3
Write up of the study
Week 4

Implications of Research
It is believed that the analysis of this data will work to show the manner in which society has been affected by the internet. In obtaining this information it will be possible to determine whether or not this is the most effective use of time within society and whether or not society is still on the right track, or whether the internet has posed too much of a negative influence, resulting in the need for a shift in the balance of society to occur. In attempting to find out this information, not only will it serve to provide insight into the potential future of the computer and technology fields, but it will serve to provide key insights into the behavioral patterns currently present within society.

  • Coles, B. (2012). How the Internet has a negative effect and impact on society. Insidetechnology360.com. Retrieved 3 September 2014, from http://www.insidetechnology360.com/index.php/how-the-internet-has-a-negative-effect-and-impact-on-society-2375/
  • Kedem, C. (1999). The Impact of the Internet on Society. Math.umd.edu. Retrieved 3 September 2014, from http://www.math.umd.edu/~bnk/CAR/project.htm
  • Pentland, A. (2014). What are some of the effects of the Internet on society?. Curiosity. Retrieved 3 September 2014, from http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/effects-of-internet-on-society
  • Seattle P.I. (2010). Social impact of the Internet has been more positive than negative, tech leaders say. Retrieved 3 September 2014, from http://blog.seattlepi.com/techchron/2010/07/06/social-impact-of-the-internet-has-been-more-positive-than-negative-tech-leaders-say/
  • Temmel, M., Theuermann, M., Ukowitz, E., & Vogrin, T. The impact of the internet on our daily life. Tru.ca. Retrieved 3 September 2014, from https://www.tru.ca/cpj/essay.html

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