
Social Roles and Marriage

594 words | 2 page(s)

The part social roles play in societal development is pivotal to consider. As the PowerPoint demonstrates, several factors go into the sociological creation of social roles. These factors shape institutions like cohabitation and marriage to reflect how individuals are carried out in modern day society. Speaking from the text and considering past experiences within marriage, I deduce that marriage’s “unbreakable bind” connotations are detrimental to the wellbeing of people as some marriages are not worth holding onto if they cripple and negatively affect the emotional and physical state of the couple and people involved.

In the PowerPoint, factors like gender roles and the stereotypes they carry with them are considered in the context of social roles. In particular, the establishment of “gender norms” shapes the lifestyle of young adolescents and elderly people alike that influences marriage. While health plays a major role in determining the likelihood of marriage, it also should be addressed as divorce may serve as a better alternative to physical and mental suffering for the couple (or their children’s) health. Likewise, marriages force a shift in gender roles and often require a negotiation of roles within the marriage. Children too influence roles and might put unreasonable or inequitable stress on a faction of the people involved (i.e. a husband, wife, or child). Even extended relatives may alter a relationship status as it might provide greater assistance or aid in a marriage’s derailment.

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Other factors may include an economic standpoint that may shape a marriage. If dependence forms on one another’s income, relationships are more likely to unhappily continue. The traditional “parenthood” stereotypes may also influence a marriage. An increase in independence that corresponds with the deviation from societal norms may be attributed to the rise in divorce. With women maintaining a higher economic status and gay marriage questioning the flawed gender constructions that persist in culture, more people are choosing to break away from unhealthy relationships rather than endure a toxic one out of necessity.

Speaking from personal experience, I’ve found myself happily divorced. The marriage was devoid of the necessary qualities healthy marriages maintain. As the marriage worsened I became overweight and developed acne that could not be cured. I was stressed and unengaged in the life I was supposed to be living. Not only did my mental health suffer, but my physical wellbeing was compromised as well. I tried to hold onto the marriage for the sake of my children but was ultimately forced to resign from the unhealthy marriage.

Since my divorce, I’ve become a much better version of myself. As the PowerPoint suggested, I’ve that divorce may be the best resolution to an unhealthy marriage. Though I feared my children would suffer from the setback, I’ve watched their emotional state heighten in reaction to my overall elevation in emotional and physical wellbeing. I believe that unhappy marriages are often the result of a couples’ unwillingness to let go. The other day I watched my child play a game of tug-a-war. All but one of the kids on the losing side let go of the rope causing the remaining kid to get dragged across the floor. He refused to let go and it resulted in a nasty rope burn. I mention this because in a lot of ways it reminds me of my marriage. By refusing to let go of something already lost, couples may end up more hurt that need be. Sometimes letting go and recognizing something is over is the best course of action for a marriage.

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