
Student Rights

432 words | 2 page(s)

While students in school do have rights, just like everyone else, there is also responsibility involved. As Katrina Leavens wrote that students’ rights are violated because wearing an armband is a silent protest and not distracting. However, if it is not meant to garner attention, then why wear it after all? The students were wearing it to get a reaction from their fellow students. The very nature of getting a reaction is what the school can deem to be a distraction. Students are there to learn, and the school’s job is to teach. If students are distracted, then it is more difficult for the school to do its job. This is why, frequently, schools have a dress code, preventing clothes such as shirts with curse words or short skirts, from being worn. They do not want the distraction.

In terms of the Hazelwood decision, the court ruled that the students didn’t lose the free speech option because it was the school’s paper, with their supplies used, not the students’. The school is responsible for what is in the paper. While schools may try to avoid embarrassing situations with the paper back then, in today’s world with the Internet, there are many more ways for news to be put out. Students may not need the school paper anymore to do stories on teen pregnancy, unlike back then. They can do it on their own time.

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Illegal immigration is a hot topic right now, with thousands of unaccompanied children being held at the Mexican border because they are trying to escape violence in their own country. It’s hard to blame them for trying to come here, since they see the United States as a better place than their own country. Except what to do about it is another story. Do we send them back, or do we let them stay? What about others fleeing from their own land and coming here legally? Are we punishing them for doing the legally-correct thing? What about our concern for humanity? If they were Jews during the Holocaust, escaping Hitler, would we want to send them back if they arrived here illegally?

We live in the greatest country in the world, and are seen as a shining beacon of hope and prosperity. It is important to realize that, unless we are Native Americans, that we are all descendants of immigrants, some legal, and some not. We need to be more sympathetic towards those who are trying to make it in this country, and try to find a fair solution, whatever that may be.

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