
Summit Credit Union

330 words | 2 page(s)

Someone determined that, with reference to the training of new lenders at Summit Credit Union, “They were starting to perform their jobs without the necessary skills, information and knowledge that they needed” (Noe, 2017, 153). To conduct a needs assessment to determine the accuracy of the statement that new lenders were coming to their position unprepared, the first step would be to list the required competencies that are required in new lenders.

he next step will be to assess the curriculum of the new lenders against the required competencies for lenders. A third step which helps to position the information is to design a test for new lenders that assesses the extent to which they have mastered the necessary competencies after the initial training and after the return to training to learn guidelines and underwriting. All the stakeholders should be represented in conducting the needs assessment, although this involvement would vary in intensity.

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The highest intensity of involvement in the needs assessment should be internal staff, including the project coordinator, the human resources leadership or representative, and an analyst with expertise in the assessment of curricula or the content of the subject. A senior management champion should be identified to whom the report can be presented, and who can raise awareness of the needs assessment and outcomes to other executives at Summit Credit. Other stakeholders are also involved. For example, new lenders might be interviewed regarding their experience of training, and their opinions regarding how prepared they felt to perform their jobs; their customers could be surveyed regarding their level of satisfaction and outcomes.

It is easy to blame new lenders, but it is important to ensure that the gap in performance is not due to structural process. Business process mapping and assessment can therefore be a complementary activity which works together with the group assessing the training needs to determine how to reach higher levels of performance through training and procedures.

  • Noe, R. A. (2017). Employee training and development, McGraw-Hill Education.

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