
Technology and Media

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Inequality is one of the major issues that to some extent might be causing the increasing cases of discrimination (Little, McGivern, & Kerins, 2016). This might be due to the fact that individuals who are more privileged might deem those that are less privileged as less worthy and therefore discriminate against them. Various suggestions have been made to ensure that the aspects that indicate inequality have been solved and the gaps filled (Little et al., 2016). Various aspects serve to indicate or show inequality in various instances.

While scholars and researchers alike have made contributions suggesting how these factors can be solved and ultimately putting inequality to rest, the recommendations made have not brought forth any groundbreaking effects that combat inequality (Little et al., 2016). In most countries, Canada included, the rich are becoming wealthier, whereas the underprivileged are becoming poorer and the middle class is fading either into the rich or poor classes which is an indicator that equality has not yet been achieved. These recommendations have not been effective, for instance using poverty as an example of an aspect that brings about inequality, it is an aspect whose solutions are mostly the causes (Little et al., 2016). Therefore, some of these suggestions being made to solve the world issues might also be the same factors that contribute to the problems developing (Little et al., 2016). One of the major suggestions made is that countries should make improvements in their technology and media so as to combat poverty. This analysis aims at bringing out technology and media as causes of global inequality.

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Media has been in most cases considered as an aspect that brings about equality since it presents information to all and also exposes the various aspects that bring about inequality. Additionally, it has also played its fair share of fights to ensure that society attains equality. This, therefore, makes the notion that media actually contributes to the same inequality as preposterous. However, just to place this issue into perspective, several aspects of media can be stated that highlight its role in fueling inequality and ultimately bringing about global inequality. In the media industry, Hollywood to be specific, there are 97% more men than women which brings out the notion of gender inequality in a system that claims to be championing for equality (Little et al., 2016).

Additionally, the media has been on the forefront in presenting various nations and people as poor and has also led to the generation of stereotypes against them. Moreover, you may find that some of them being identified with a crime or other aspects. For instance, blacks are in most cases associated with living in ghettos, being poor and criminals. Therefore, the media might have played a role in ensuring that Africa, is always seen as poor despite any strides the people might make. With the media being a cause of various forms of discrimination, in spite of its record of championing for equal rights for all, the media can be considered as an aspect that actively contributes to global inequality (Little et al., 2016).

Technology has often been considered as an aspect that brings about development, connects the world together, for instance using the internet and mobile devices, encourages business and ultimately ensures equality (Little et al., 2016). However, it also has its fair share of blame in ensuring that global inequality continues to plague the world. While technology has brought about development, it has also caused the widening of the gap between countries that are technologically advanced and those that are not (Little et al., 2016). Ideally, it has led to the establishment of a new measure of greatness that is technological advancement, whereby countries that are not technologically advanced are considered as inferior to those that are. Additionally, due to its differential levels of access in different countries, and the price people have to pay for it, it has also led to a further increase of poverty and therefore contributed to global inequality in various respects (Little et al., 2016).

In conclusion, while technology and media have been considered as aspects that might bring about equality, they seem to be contributing to global inequality. Therefore, if the world is to develop equally and equality to be encouraged the world over, both aspects need to be reconsidered and researchers need to come back to the drawing board and develop means of ensuring that all countries have equal access to technology and the media has been streamlined to prevent them from starting misconceptions on other countries thus encouraging equality.

  • Little, W., McGivern, R., & Kerins, N. (2016). Media and Technology. In Introduction to Sociology-2nd Canadian Edition (2nd ed., pp. 307-341). Toronto, Canada: BC Campus.

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