
Technology Essay Examples

Nowadays, one can hardly find a person who has never used or at least heard of various gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, electronic books, and smartwatches. The relations between the modern technologies and the cognitive development of people are reversible. On the one hand, the appearance of new gadgets and...

630 words | 3 page(s)

There are different ways of linking an organization’s business metrics to the IT department. One of the ways is by promoting open communication between the departments within the organization. The business metrics always dictate the underlying technology that is needed for support. Communication will allow IT to work with business...

926 words | 4 page(s)

The general purpose of this piece is to shed light on the use of technology in the United States. More specifically, the focus is on how the United States has become dependent on technology for many daily functioning activities. The use of electronic medical records, ride-sharing services, and the surge...

606 words | 3 page(s)

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In this century, one of the most overwhelming questions one can ask himself is whether the positive impacts of technology overweigh the negative impacts. In other words, does technology make our lives better? It is a difficult question because technology has infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives, and many...

1216 words | 5 page(s)

Microsoft Corporation is a leading Corporation within and outside the U.S.A. borders. In order to deliver efficient results, the corporation has been divided into 5 functional divisions. The divisions are: entertainment and device, MS Business, Server Software, Windows and Live Windows Group, and Online services division. All the divisions were...

899 words | 3 page(s)

Microsoft has positioned themselves in the market to gain a competitive advantage. The company explores a system lock-in strategy. ”By partnering with the hardware companies, most notably Intel, and the Applications companies like Adobe, who all must stay Windows-compatible, Microsoft locks out its competitors” (Strategic, 2015). The company’s innovative vision...

611 words | 3 page(s)

Microsoft is a computer technology corporation that began in the early years of 1975. It was founded by Bill Gates and his business partner Paul Allen. The best-selling products are the Window Operating System and Microsoft Office (Bailey, 1). Microsoft came up with a wide range of products for computing...

694 words | 3 page(s)

There are few technologies that have been shaping our modern lifestyle as much as mobile phones. Mobile phones were quite a novelty when they were first introduced because one could make a phone call from literally anywhere and not just from home or a workplace. But mobile phone technology has...

919 words | 4 page(s)

While technology has become a synonym of permanent change, one of the core issues on the contemporary existential agenda is whether technologies are capable of changing our lives and the way we perceive religion and spirituality. ‘Remaining Human in a Co-created World’ is one of the chapters in the book...

908 words | 4 page(s)

Technology has a direct impact on the life of inmates in both negative and positive dimension depending on the implementation process. Technology can be harnessed and effectively used to improve the lives of the inmates and the internal affairs of prisons. First, information technology can be integrated into the prisons...

645 words | 3 page(s)

This paper analyzes Apple’s annual report for the fiscal year 2014 (Apple, 2014). Apple’s total assets were approximately $231.84 billion during the fiscal year 2014 which was nearly $25 billion more than the 2013 figure of $207 billion. Total assets are important because they help us understand the size of...

558 words | 2 page(s)

Technological development is known to provide human beings with multiple options aimed at optimising their performance. AI, robots, and automation have substituted for humans in many industries. Now, manual labour is replaced with machines that increase productivity and improve the quality of final products. Humans derive enormous benefit from robotization,...

631 words | 3 page(s)

The need to supply steady, continuous energy worldwide for decades to come to its citizens is in the forefront of national and international strategic planning for all nations, especially now, as alternative energy sources come online. Energy distributed through the power grids securely and efficiently ensures there is enough power...

1278 words | 5 page(s)

That is the claim that, when delivered, allowed a small Massachusetts company to produce a big splash in the audio equipment industry. Founded in 1964 by Bengali American Amar Bose, the Bose Corporation grew to become a leader in the music and audio world. As a professor at the prestigious...

1443 words | 5 page(s)

The technological progress over the last few decades has been astonishing by any measures. As one looks at the earliest commercial models of products such as cell phones and computers, one cannot help but notice how much lighter yet phenomenally more powerful these products are today. Not only products have...

593 words | 2 page(s)

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are devices that facilitate the production of electricity directly from the sunlight through the help of semiconductors. The electrons in the semiconductors are responsible for transmitting the current to either the grid or provide power to run electrical devices. Currently, there are several homes and large...

575 words | 2 page(s)

There have been many different ways that people have kept in touch over the years. These devices have came a long way from the days of waiting for weeks to receive information through a traditional letter. With the invention of the telephone, people became able to communicate immediately with one...

764 words | 3 page(s)

The company’s overall strategy involves providing “high-value activities enabled by a family of devices and services” (Microsoft Corporation, 2015). This is done through achieving the company’s mission, which “is to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential” (Microsoft Corporation, 2015). This is done in a variety...

611 words | 3 page(s)

In light of our ever-growing technology, or perhaps, in spite of it, the study of literature has an atmosphere that cannot be replicated on Nook or Kindle. The book itself is a part of the literary experience; turning the pages and dog-earing certain parts add to the sensual nature of...

706 words | 3 page(s)

Airports are an integral part of the national and international transportation system, and they play a major role in the nation’s economic stability. Thus, it is extremely important for airlines to develop systems that promote efficiency, promptness and overall consumer satisfaction. But as airlines continue to change rules and regulations,...

886 words | 3 page(s)

Technology is one of the most important aspects of the society today. The advent of globalization and information systems has made the technological professionals elemental towards the development and sustenance of the complex platforms and frameworks along which the society operates. This is also one of the factors that has...

618 words | 3 page(s)

For this project, I have chosen real estate office regional management as the focal professional career. Technology has come to encompass many of the modern trends that surround both commercial and residential real estate. Prior to the convenience and use of internet platforms and applications, home or commercial real estate...

409 words | 2 page(s)

Over the decades, the automotive industry has continued to evolve. This is occurring with stakeholders demanding improvements to product safety and technology. These areas are designed to enhance efficiency and ensure the vehicle has the most in demand products / services. However, those firms which are unable to keep up...

910 words | 4 page(s)

With respect to the theory of computability, the halting problem is depicted as the issue that emanates with the determination of an arbitrary program as well as the input and consequently whether the program will substantially complete or will be constantly running (Calude, 2012). One of the integral discoveries that...

298 words | 1 page(s)

After reading the lecture “Is technological progress a thing of the past?” by Joel Mokyr, I felt that Mokyr is able to see two sides of the issue of technology. He discussed how technology has really served to transform the world and helped it progress. For instance, he mentions that...

293 words | 1 page(s)

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