
Technology Makes It Easier For Those Who Want To Learn To Do So

359 words | 2 page(s)

Technology makes it easier for those who want to learn to do so, while also making it easier for those who do not want to learn to distract themselves from learning. There are certainly generational gaps when it comes to technology, as the millennials of today’s time grew up in the digital and technological revolution. For prior generations, however, technology is an entirely new language, and their academic experiences were not shaped by the easy access to abundant information on the Internet. Technology has undoubtedly changed education, but among diverse age groups, its impact can be different.

As one who belongs to the millennial generational cohort, technology and innovation have undoubtedly become parts of my life that I could not see myself without. As for my educational experience, technology has increased my access all sorts of information that can enhance my learning experience and by default, the quality of my schoolwork. Learning no longer has to be confined to the walls of a classroom and the pages of a textbook, as institutions like Coursera and Khan Academy allow for an entirely new and more convenient type of learning (How Has Technology Changed Education?). However, with all of this access to information as a student comes great responsibility as well. Classrooms are now seeing the integration of mobile devices and fast internet connectivity take major roles within, as well as the use of video and social media (Reidel, 2014). The reach of the Internet, as well as its content, spreads far and wide and with anyone having an Internet connection and a keyboard, information that is put onto the Internet may not be accurate, which can pose issues for a student such as myself. It is up to students and all responsible Internet users to make sure that the information they are looking up comes from a valid, reliable, and accurate source. There are guidelines that are typically set for students and criteria that must be met in order to determine whether or not a source is credible; it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are getting the best information from the best source at all times.

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