
Terrorism and the City

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The Boston Marathon Bombings were terrifying not only for the people that were injured and their families, and loved ones, but for the entire country. The fact that persons who were born and raising in the United States could become involved in anti-American sentiments so strongly as to attempt to produce similar results as Al-Qaida, the Taliban, and ISIS is a difficult concept for most American’s to understand. No longer being able to trust your neighbors is frightening. With this, fear came to a renewed sense that personal security is no longer a given in life, and even other people from the same society may want to harm others. The Boston Marathon bombing came at a time when people were starting to let their guard down again after the 9/11 Attacks. The Boston Marathon Bombing reminded people to remain vigilant about their surroundings.

Social movement theory can be used to describe how terrorist groups like Al-Quida form. People create networks and groups due to political and cultural conflict because the individuals have a shared collected identity. These people have solidarity because of the their shared ideals and, therefore, the group is very strong. This is true for terrorist groups because all the individuals have a common hatred for the United States and the western way of life. Social movement theory explains mass behavior, resource mobility, political opportunities, and other new social movements. All of these conditions are met by the terrorist groups (Metzer, 2014). The strength of these networks have a continued negative effect on American society, and people should always continue to feel a sense of urgency regarding their own personal safety and security.

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  • Metzer, T. (2014). Social Movement Theory and Terrorism: Explaining the Development of Al-Qaeda. Retrieved from Student Pulse: http://www.studentpulse.com/

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