
The Accident Painting

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This is a painting entitled “The Accident” by Willem Geets who lived between 1838 and 1919. This particular work was created in 1899 and the medium is using oil paint on a canvas (Nemerov 1). It is a very detailed painting, depicting many townspeople gathering in a crowd in front of buildings and steps going down to the water. The single man on the right who is about to take off his coat is most likely planning to go into the water to rescue someone who jumped in (Nemerov 1). The people watching all have very unique expressions, including someone who looks concerned, distressed and anxious, among others.

This oil painting is very realistic and almost resembles a photograph. Geets took great care in crafting every single building and person he created, painting with significant depth and color. Additionally, he chose to use darker colors because it was what was most appropriate for the actual colors of buildings and clothes in a similar towrn. His lines are very evident and clear, but he is also able to use blending techniques.

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Geet most often created paintings that depicted reality. Here, he paints a group of townspeople who are all watching in anticipation while a brave, young man decides to jump into the water to save someone—not actually in the painting—who has most likely already fallen in. The town seems bustling with excitement, including people in the background performing their everyday tasks while the rest watch the main action.

Overall, I think this is a beautiful and realistic painting. Geet is able to use his skills to accurately depict an event that he envisioned in the town while exploring his talents.

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