
The British Sound

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The British sound entails the musical movements that emerged from Britain within the past five decades, which my PowerPoint presentation outlines. During the 1960s, he Beatles were the first major musical group to emerge from Britain, and their music continues to influence other musical artists today. Soon after The Beatles’ success, a new type of musician emerged in the 1970s, with some of the most famous examples including David Bowie and Elton John. After David Bowie and Elton John, major groups, namely U2, attempted to redefine rock music during the 1980s. After Britain’s major musical contributions during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the 1990s were not as significant, though this decade saw the birth of Oasis and the Spice Girls. During the New Millennium, Amy Winehouse and her soulful sound permeated international radio waves, and Adele followed a few years later with her own rich melodies and lyrics. When evaluating British music from the 1960s through the 2010s, it becomes clear that Britain has had a lasting positive effect on music.

The Beatles arguably formed the origins of the British sound. Seeming to come out of nowhere, The Beatles took the world by storm, producing countless hits that radio stations still play. Their debut was Please Please Me, and this debut helped cement their reputation as the defining sound of the 1960s. The Beatles also enjoyed having the first Diamond certified album, cementing their place in history as one of the most significant rock bands. Not only did The Beatles cement a formidable reputation, they also paved the way for future rock acts. They influenced artists within their generation, as well as artists in several generations to follow. The Beatles also played a strong role in establishing Britain as a major source of musical talent and creativity.

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After the pinnacle of The Beatles’ success, a new era of musicians and genres emerged. The forerunners of this era were David Bowie and Elton John, whose sound differed from The Beatles. These artists emerged during the Disco Era, or the 1970s, and they experienced a combination of both critical and commercial success. IT was not uncommon for nightlife venues to play the music of David Bowie, and similarly to The Beatles, both of these artists continue to hold substantial influence today. Elton John is frequently seen in the popular media, and the records of both artists continue to enjoy valuable airtime.

During the 1980s, U2 was the most significant musical act to emerge from Britain. Also known as “The Death of Rock Music,” this era represented attempts of British artists to break out into mainstream media, which U2 accomplished in spades. One of U2’s most significant albums is “The Joshua Tree,” and this album became the best-selling album of the 1980s. U2 also helped to redefine classical notions of rock music with a defining sound, a sound recognized by U2 adherents in the 1980s and U2 adherents today.

Compared to the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Britain’s contributions during the 1990s were not quite as significant. The most important rock back to emerge was Oasis, who produced Morning Glory? This album became the best-selling album of the 1990s. Aside from Oasis, The Spice Girls also emerged, a popular “girl band” who produced popular music and became the best-selling female group of all time. While Oasis continues to be popular today, The Spice Girls’ music is not quite as well respected.

Lastly, the Millennium and the 2010s saw the emergence of two of the most significant female musical artists in recent times: Amy Winehouse and Adele. Amy Winehouse’s life was tragically cut short, but she left an indelible impact on British music by reviving Soul and Blues. Shortly after the emergence of Amy Winehouse, Adele took the international radio waves by storm, and she continues to produce countless popular songs that receive both critical and commercial acclaim. Despite the new digital era, Adele sold 30 million copies of her album worldwide, which proves that people will purchase quality music.

Overall, when reviewing the major musical groups and corresponding movements to emerge from Britain within the past fifty years, it becomes clear that British artists contributed to most to the music industry. These musicians are relevant because their music still sells and still plays on the radio. These musicians also paved the road for other musicians, and they continue to influence burgeoning talent today.

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