
The Concept Of Global Warming

339 words | 2 page(s)

The concept of global warming, also referred to as climate change, has been an incredibly divisive one in recent decades. Some individuals and scientists assert that the evidence is obvious in changes such as melting polar caps, rising sea levels and warming temperatures. Others insist that the evidence has been faulty; they do not believe there is a reason to worry about carbon emissions. It is important to properly examine the evidence. However, while all the evidence may not have been formulated properly, it is apparent that the climate has been rapidly changing in the last century.

One of the most obvious aspects of climate change has been the increase in temperatures, particularly in the Arctic Circle. In the summer of 2013, the surface waters of the area were consistently warmer than usual. This was likely caused by the sea ice retreating (NASA, 2013). Researchers have compared atmospheric levels from the Paleolithic age with our current time. This research has clearly indicated that the planet has been increasing in temperature to a dangerous level. The researchers concluded that during the warmest periods in the history of the Earth, it was still lower than in the current period. They recommend that society work for a rapid reduction in the emissions from fossil fuels in order to preserve the planet and civilization (Hansen & Soto, 2012, p. 21).

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One of the reasons for the controversy surrounding climate change is because many individuals and corporations do not believe that emissions from manufacturing should be blamed. There is obviously an economic issue associated with this. Many individuals who tend to refute climate change have personal economic stakes in the argument. By this aspect, they can be viewed as biased; it is impossible for them to make a neutral decision regarding the information and evidence. Companies that believe environmental restrictions create business difficulties cannot be considered neutral in this debate.

  • Hansen, James E., and Makiko Sato. “Paleoclimate implications for human-made climate change.” Climate Change. Springer Vienna, 2012. 21-47.
  • NASA. (2013). Climate change. Retrieved December 18, 2013, from: http://climate.nasa.gov/news/1014

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