
The Effectiveness Of Using Media And Technology In Teaching

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If this question was asked in the early 1980s and 1990s when computers and internet were initially coming into being the answer would probably be much different than it is today. The technological tools have advanced so much in these years and now offer advantages for teaching and learning with technology and media. Today there is hardly a school that does not have computers, or students without such devices as tablets, smartphones etc. on which they can access the technology. Some of these advantages include the fact that information is available so widely and can be accessed any time of day or night; computers make possible the creation of learning communities and sharing of information; communication across the globe is instant.
A positive impact of media and technology on learning is how the variety of technological tools available are designed to fit different learning styles An analysis of the research that has been done so far on the topic will help in determining to what extent learning is increased in the classroom when media and technology are used, in particular videos and audio clips…
One of the advantages of media and technology is that there are tools that can appeal to the different senses at the same time- computers can produce material with audio and visual effects, such as in seen in video clips.. Nicholson, Nicholson and Valacich explain that humans have two learning systems- verbal and visual and that they learn best when presented with information in both modalities (187). The technology tools make it easy for content to be presented to students in both modes makes it easier for the students to process material and to present their learning in a variety of ways.
? The determination of the effect of videos on learning will depend on what exactly are the skills associated with learning or being measured- is it increase in knowledge, or shift in thinking, or increase in creative thinking, or application of information to different situations? Doing well in the twenty-first century learning requires new skills, partly because of the advancement in technology in business and other areas. These twenty first century skills include critical thinking and problem solving, improved communication and even computer and technology skills (Deubel). It seems unreasonable to expect these skills to be taught and developed without incorporating technology into teaching. According to Deubel “.Technology is creating new thinking that is “at once creative and innovative, volatile and turbulent” and “nothing less than a shift in worldview.” (The Great Debate).
Passerini found that the controversy still existed about whether or not technology improved learning. She found that some scholars were claiming that media (text, audio, video, animation, etc) influenced learning, yet others claimed not to have found any difference in learning when media were used (184). She believes that according to the type of media used and how it is used, it can have a positive effect on cognitive functioning. She conducted a study to compare learning and attitudes in college students who attended a lecture, read a text-book or used a multi media tool- CD-Rom which included video and audio files. The results indicated that the multi-media tools were most favored for recall and application of soft tools.
When a number of studies were reviewed by Lee, Waxman, Wu, Michko and Lin it was noted that technology had positive effects on students’ performance in a variety of situations including mathematics achievement in K-12 classrooms, in science education and in reading in Grades 6-8 (133). These authors went on to review studies that focused on teaching and learning with technology in K-12 classrooms by comparing classes that were taught using technology to non-technology classrooms. They also concluded that technology improved learning. They pointed out however that several factors affect the impact of technology on learning- the grade level, the type of tasks, and how the students used the computers. They stated that the size of the effect of technology on learning seems to be greater than it was in the past and they suggested that maybe the advancement of technology itself and teaching methods with technology may be contributing to this increase in effect.
One example of how technology has been transforming education is the Khan Academy, an online school that now boasts of having 10 million students. The KhanAcademy, which features 3,400 short instructional videos along with
interactive quizzes and tools for teachers to chart student progress
covers topics from basic arithmetic and algebra to the French Revolution. The success of Khan Academy has been contributed to the fact that “Khan is particularly good at explaining all the hidden, small steps in math problems- steps that teachers often gloss over” ( Clive Thompson 4).
There have been criticisms of Khan Academy, as is normal in any innovation even in education. Some claim that the videos are not really innovative, but just a high –tech version of the rote learning seen in many classrooms. However, Khan explains that he is not concerned with innovation and educational reform. His objective is to provide a way that students can understand concepts and have the opportunity to practice as much as they need. The large number of videos now available for use on the site and the 10 million users indicate the success of the use of videos for learning today.

Technology in education is here to stay; it is hardly likely that technology and media will be removed from education. The cost of outfitting schools with technology mean that it is therefore important to ensure that learning is positively impacted by technology. There is little doubt from the research studies that the use of media and technology in teaching is contributing to the students’ achievement. Research must continue to keep abreast of the advances in technology and how these advances could be incorporated into the classrooms and be used effectively to increase interest, motivation and learning in the students. The research has also shown however, that certain factors must be always taken into account for technology to be a positive contributing factor to learning. The curriculum, the subject areas, the students’ learning styles and interest levels must all be part of the planning for use of technology in teaching.

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Khan academy
One example of how technology has been transforming education is the Khan Academy an online school that now boasts of having 10 million students. The Khan
Academy, which features 3,400 short instructional videos along with
interactive quizzes and tools for teachers to chart student progress
covers topics from basic arithmetic and algebra to the French Revolution. The success of Khan Academy has been contributed to the fact that “Khan is particularly good at explaining all the hidden, small steps in math problems- steps that teachers often gloss over” ( Clive Thompson 4).
There have been criticisms of Khan Academy, as is normal in any innovation even in education. Some claim that the videos are not really innovative, but just a high –tech version of the rote learning seen in many classrooms. However, Khan explains that he is not concerned with innovation and educational reform. His objective is to provide a way that students can understand concepts and have the opportunity to practice as much as they need. The large number of videos now available for use on the site and the 10 million users indicate the success of the use of videos for learning today.

  • Deubel, Patricia. “The Great Debate: Effectiveness of Technology in Education”. The Journal. 8 Nov. 2007. Web. 09 Nov.2014.
  • Nicholson, Jennifer; Nicholson, Darren; Valacich, Joseph S. “Examining the Effects of Technology Attributes on Learning: A Contingency Perspective”.Result_19 Journal of Information Technology Education. 7, 2008: 185-204.
  • Passerini, Katia. “Performance and Behavioral Outcomes in Technology-Supported Learning: The Role of Interactive Multimedia”.Result_5Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia. 16 (2) 2007: 183-211.
  • Yuan-Hsuan Lee; Waxman, Hersh; Jiun-Yu Wu; Michko, Georgette; Lin, Grace. “Revisit the Effect of Teaching and Learning with Technology”.Result_3 Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 16 (1) 2013: 133-146.

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